budget outfit: date night

jumpsuit | tassel earrings | clutch | necklace | block heels

When I was a junior in high school, we had a winter formal that my friends and I looked forward to for weeks. It was a semi-formal, as most of the girls wore knee-length (and shorter) dresses, but I opted for something different. I wore this black halter jumpsuit that resembled someone between John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever and Elvis circa 1972. The legs were cropped short, more like capris, and the waist had a see-through lace mesh detail. Oh man, I thought that jumpsuit was it

Fast-forward a decade and I still love a good black jumpsuit. They're flattering, chic, and can be worn year round when layered. I mean, I wore mine to winter formal you guys. If I could go back in time I would've probably opted for a coat as well, as I recall freezing my arms and calves off (thanks, capris). The look styled above is definitely intended for summer, but swap the sandals for pumps and you could totally go hit up a high school dance.

My parents are currently en route to Houston and we couldn't be more excited! Bear and I spent the afternoon cleaning, then cleaning some more, and then cleaning a little bit. What is it about toddlers that creates a never-ending tornado of dirt, toys, and pee? Bear also ninja-grabbed the Windex while I was cleaning our master bath and took it upon himself to "make shiny" the sitting room rug. Meaning he sprayed the entire thing down with Windex. The antique rug my grandmother gave us. I can't wait to finally see the extra shiny results.

Hope you have a great weekend!
xo, Britt