a letter to myself

dress | earrings | sandals | bag

photos by Dede Raad Photography

Dear Brittany,

How does one begin a letter to oneself? I have no clue whether I should be talking in first or third or fifteenth person so let's just roll with whatever comes naturally (however unnatural it may sound).

You are a crazy woman. You try to do so many things in a day, and sometimes you need to just slow down and enjoy the moment. Bear is growing up before your eyes and he needs you to be present. Continue to focus your attention on helping him grow up to be the best husband, dad, and man he can possibly be. As for right now, continue to let him eat M&M's in bed and jump in muddy puddles. Because he's only this little once.

No matter how hard certain situations may be, you're going to look back and wonder why you ever stressed so much about something beyond your control. Stop googling stupid stuff. We all know that only makes the freak out a thousand times worse. Instead, call Mom. She makes everything better.

Take better care of yourself. Drink more water, you dumb Diet Coke drinking girl. Didn't those four kidney stones teach you anything? I'm not even going to attempt telling you to exercise because that's not going to happen. You get a lot of sleep, so that's one thing you're doing right. Put down the Pringles and eat some vegetables occasionally. Candy is not a food group, no matter how hard you try to pretend it is. Sour Patch Kids will not sustain you. Bear watches your nutrition choices and that is scary; you can do better for him and for yourself.

Love Zach how you want to be loved. He deserves compliments, surprises, and daily "I love you"'s. You want those things, and it will make you feel even better to give them to the one you love. Also, make him bacon for dinner from time to time, because then you'll really have his heart.

Try your best to be the friend Brittney Granger was. Answer the phone, even if it's an inconvenient time. Be supportive in any way you can, no matter the circumstance. Giving your time is much more valuable than giving any material gift. Reach out when you know times are tough. Be there.

Cut yourself some slack. You make a lot of mistakes, but thankfully you serve a God who loves you despite your imperfections. You're not always going to do things correctly, and sometimes you're going to feel really guilty about it. But at the end of the day, it's what you take from those mistakes that helps you grow and become the wife, Mommy, daughter, sister, and friend you so earnestly strive to be. Be proud of what you've accomplished, but never stop reaching for the goals you've set for yourself. Hard work truly does pay off. 

Most importantly, keep this James Heller quote close to your heart: "A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle". Share your light and love always. This world needs all the light we can get. 

xo, Britt