confessions of a shopaholic

top | bag | earrings | pants | shoes | sunnies | necklace  

photos by Dede Raad Photography

When I was growing up, we traveled a lot during the summer because my parents were both teachers. We would go the same places every year: Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Phoenix, Arizona, and San Diego, California. There were of course other stops along the way (we drove), but these were always the big destinations. My brothers looked forward to the fishing, camping, concerts, etc. I enjoyed those things too, but mostly I was in it for the shopping. 

And shopping we did. We hit outlet malls across the western United States like nobody's business. I used my own money to buy all my school clothes for the following year and my Dad would pay for half of everything. I took full advantage of that sweet deal and it taught me to be smart with my money and look for sales. If I could find a pair of sneakers on sale for $30, I'd only have to pay $15. This was a mere two hours at my lifeguarding job back home. Thanks, Dad! Prior to lifeguarding/high school, my Dad would save his change all year long and take my big brother and I to the bank right before vacation. We'd cash in all of his coins and split it down the middle and that would be our spending money for the summer.

I would stock up on school clothes and that would be my lot for the year. The only other time I'd get new clothing was Christmas, which would tie me over until the next summer of traveling & bargain hunting. I'm pretty sure this was where my love for shopping began, if you believe it's more of a nurture than nature sort of thing, and there's been no stopping me since. I love a good bargain and typically head straight for the sale racks when I walk in a store. I can thank my parents for helping me understand the value of a dollar and for teaching me at a young age to be smart with my money. Sometimes I still make stupid purchases, don't get me wrong, but for the most part I'm a pretty astute shopper. Or you could just say I'm cheap. Whatever.

xo, Britt