10 randoms about me

top | jeans | Celine bag | similar heels | sunnies

photos by Elisheva Golani Photography

hair & makeup by Rivki Makeup Artistry

First off, you probably noticed that this outfit is all about the bag. When Trendlee sent me this Celine handbag, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. I'm not kidding when I say that we took these pictures a few hours after it came in the mail. Zach and Bear didn't understand my excitement, so I tried comparing it to Legos for them. They still didn't get it.

I couldn't think of a good story to ramble off on today so I'm sharing ten random facts (if I can come up with that many).

1. I am a grandma driver. I drive so slow- it's honestly a problem. I've gotten a little better since living in Houston but still get honked at pretty regularly.
2. I was born with a hole in my heart. The doctors told my parents it would heal on it's own over time, and it's never been an issue. I do still have a heart murmur and can't donate blood, which makes me feel terrible! I do hate needles so not that terrible.
3. Zach proposed on the first anniversary of the day we met. We met on October 23rd, 2009 and were engaged exactly one year later.
4. My two best friends growing up were Brittany and Britnee. We were "the three Brits". In college, my best friend's name was Brittney. So in my wedding, I had three maids of honor: Brittany, Britnee, Brittney (and me, the bride, Brittany).
5. My older brother and I once tricked my little brother into eating a mouthful of jalapenos when he was four years old. We told him they were delicious "Mexican pickles" and he totally fell for it. He started bawling and we got in big trouble. 
6. Jane Austen is my favorite author and I'm obsessed with Pride & Prejudice (the book & the films). 
7. I'm terrible at tennis. My parents used to play with my older brother and leave me to hit balls into a big concrete wall. Fun times. I do like the cute outfits, though! And the fact that you get to say "love".
8. Zach and I have six nephews, no nieces. It's so much fun when all the boys get together and Bear especially has a blast. Being an only child (right now), he adores his cousins and thinks of them more as brothers.
9. I love to bake but don't like to cook. When I'm hungry I'm hungry (hangry, more like) and I don't like taking the time to prepare a meal. Luckily Zach is a great cook and we fix supper together most nights when he gets home, which makes the process much more fun and tolerable. And a lot of times we just order pizza, which is awesome too.
10. I grew up in a house with one bathroom for five people. Trying to get ready in the morning when we were all five going to school at the same time (both parents were teachers) was crazy sometimes but we had a good system! Now I live in a house with four bathrooms for three people. And all I do is clean toilets.

Time to go get Bear from Mother's Day Out, who begged and begged to not go this morning. Y'all, it's breaking my heart how much he doesn't want to go! We didn't have this problem last year. Any tips or tricks you mamas have on encouraging your kids to go to school? I know he has a good time while he's there but I don't want him to dread it. Any advice is appreciated!
xo, Britt

p.s. Update: I just picked him up and of course he was smiling ear to ear and said he had a great day. So glad he's having fun but still want to find a way to get him excited to go! Though secretly I'm not mad he just wants to stay home with Mommy.