be original

cape blazer | handbag | bracelet | jeans | black top | shoes

hair & makeup: Rivki Makeup Artistry

photos: Elisheva Golani Photography

One of the best things my parents taught my brothers and I growing up was to not be afraid to walk our own path. Whether it was dressing up in an outrageous outfit for a school pep rally (when only a handful of other crazies were doing so), wearing a jumpsuit instead the expected dress to Winter Formal, or playing golf when all my friends were playing volleyball- I've always found pleasure in being my own person. One time when I was in the second grade, my best friend and I showed up to school in the exact same outfit from a local boutique. We were both furious at our moms and it was a classic elementary version of Who Wore it Better, in which case I'm certain I lost. And y'all, I cried. I was so upset that I didn't have my own outfit that day (dramatic much?).  The point: If we all looked alike and did the very same things, life would be extremely boring (though it would make getting ready in the morning much easier). I love having a diverse group of friends that come from different backgrounds and are uniquely themselves. This challenges me to dig deep and let out my inner weirdo. Cause trust me, she's definitely in there. And she's kinda cooler than my normal self.

In 2016, it's impossible to be entirely original and have brand new, fresh ideas. I can't tell you how many times I've thought I came up with something genius only to google it and find out there were 47 geniuses before me. Zach always gets a good laugh when this happens. I sometimes go too much the other direction, like recently when I bought a romper and a few days later saw one of my blogger friends do a post wearing it. I took the romper right back to the store because I didn't want her to think I'd copied her, and I strive really hard to create original, unique content for my blog. I know she does, too, and I wanted to respect that. As creatives in the world of blogging, it's our job to be just that: creative. Copying one another's ideas without giving due credit is not only a form of plagiarism, but it's simply unfair to those who diligently birthed the idea. And that birthing business is hard work, guys. I know, I had an eight and a half pounder.

Nonconformity is a beautiful thing on so many levels, and fashion is merely one tiny example. Our attitudes, beliefs, and opinions are all easily influenced by others. The times I've followed the leader and conformed to others were moments I'm not proud of. I'm happiest when I'm challenging myself and trying new things, whether others are doing it or not. In a world where social media criticism is so high, it's difficult to find your own voice and stay true to yourself. People are going to judge you no matter what, so you might as well do what makes you happy. Be creative. Be different. Be you (inner weirdo you). And you might surprise yourself with just how amazing it feels.

xo, Britt