instagram round-up

bag | jeansbook

leopard coat (on sale!) | similar pink faux fur coat (mine is from Dillard's girls section)

shirt | shorts | bow tie | shoes 


I'm so sorry for my lack of blogging/social media presence this week, y'all; I have so many posts drafted and just haven't had a chance to finish and publish them. Things are crazy over here! I'm gearing up to head to NYFW next week and trying to finalize shows, meetings, and travel details has me running around like a mad woman. I'm also styling a ton which I love but definitely keeps me busy!

Can anyone else relate to the saying "when it rains it pours"? Not only has that been true when it comes to the weather in Houston the past three weeks, but life in general. Several days ago, I got an email that made me drop my laptop and spill my coffee all over the comforter, I was so excited. A PR company in NYC asked me to interview Eva Longoria at an upcoming event next Friday in Houston for her new collection at The Limited. The Eva Longoria. Zach and I have watched every single episode of Desperate Housewives ever produced so naturally we are both huge fans. I had already whipped up a response email before I even cleaned up the coffee saying YES I'M IN. I called both my Mom and Zach, texted friends, and basically told the world my news before realizing that I'll be in New York that day and can't even attend the event. Talk about a let down (and ruined comforter). Zach happily offered to go in my place, but I'm too afraid he and Eva would run off together.

I was asked to speak at the annual Pinners Conference in Dallas, which I also ecstatically accepted before realizing it also fell on the weekend of NYFW. 

Zach bought tickets to the Texas A&M home game September 10th, which is also the weekend of NYFW. He's still going, don't worry. Hopefully Eva doesn't get my seat.

My point: everything seems to fall at the same time and it's so frustrating sometimes. I have nothing going on any other weekend in September, but these opportunities all fell at the exact same time after I'd already committed to one. I'm trying to have a positive outlook and remind myself that everything happens for a reason, and that God has me exactly where I need to be. The events I miss are opened up to someone else, and there's more than enough opportunity to go around. I'm just thankful that tonight, I'm home on the couch with my boys. There's nowhere I'd rather be (except maybe interviewing Eva Longoria. okay okay dropping it).
Happy Thursday, loves!
xo, Britt