Moms Night Out

dress | similar shoes | necklace | bag

One of the biggest challenges for me as a mom/blogger is finding the balance between attending events and spending time with my boys. I'm lucky enough to stay home with Bear, so we get lots of quality time together. Zach gets home around 6pm most days so we get the full evening with him, which Bear and I both love. It seems like the busier I get as a blogger, the more event invitations come my way. I didn't realize until lately that I get a serious case of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when I RSVP no to these events. But y'all, the struggle is so real. I had three events last week and I felt really guilty leaving my boys for all of them. There's a big fashion show tomorrow night that I really want to attend, but I'm still feeling guilty about going to three last week! 

I try to attend no more than one evening event a week, that way I still have plenty of time with my boys but get a chance to socialize (and work!), as well. Some weeks like the last are harder to come by when the events are all just too important to miss. I remind myself as I'm walking out the door and my boys have a puppy-dog-sad look on their face that MAMA DESERVES A BREAK! And I'm typically happier and more myself the following day, after getting a chance to just relax and have a good time with the girls. The outfit above was worn to the Elaine Turner fall collection preview last week, which was a total dream. Don't let the shopping carts fool you; my idea of a fun night out is definitely not to the grocery store. :) We snapped these at Whole Foods right around the corner from the event (and yes, got some funny looks).

Before blogging, I rarely ever had a night out (with Zach or my girlfriends). I breastfed Bear for 15 months, and he wouldn't take a bottle, so I could never be away from him for more than a couple of hours. As a blogger, we are expected to be seen at certain events. It's honestly part of the job. And while it's pretty amazing and I love every minute of it, I'm always thinking about my sweet boys at home when I'm away. I have to remind myself that they are fine and probably not missing me near as much as I'm missing them. As moms, we just need a break sometimes. Whether it's a formal invite only fashion show or a quick trip to Starbucks in sweats, stepping away from the madness for a bit can be a really positive thing. Our sanity thanks us.

xo, Britt