heading to NYFW

top | skirt | similar boots | similar bag | earrings | watch

photos by Dede Raad Photography

hair & makeup by Rivki Makeup Artistry 

I almost typed "Happy Friday!" before realizing it's only Thursday morning. That should be a pretty good indication of the kind of week this has been over here. So, happy Thursday! Not quite as good as Friday but close. 

I just reheated my coffee for the fourth time this morning (it's starting to get that lovely microwave taste) and my to-do list is three pages long because I leave for NYFW in T-minus 19 hours! I get the feeling that most of my friends think it's all fun and games and wearing crazy outfits but really, a blogger's trip to NYFW is loaded to the brim with work. Yes, there's play too like parties and fancy dinners. But mostly, it's running around the city like a chicken with your head cut off hoping to grab the occasional hot dog so you don't starve to death from not having time to eat all day. Last year was my first NYFW experience and it was such a whirlwind that I feel like a newbie all over again. But I am even more excited this time around!

I'm traveling with three of my blogging besties- Shelbi, Dede, and Margret. If you want to follow along on all of our adventures, I'll be posting live updates throughout the trip on Snapchat & Instagram stories (username is @brittfullwood on both). We have to get up at 3am to head to the airport because our flight leaves at 6am, so I'm pretty certain no sleep will be had tonight for this girl. As soon as we land in NYC, we are hitting the ground running! My first stop is having brunch at Park Avenue Autumn with my Snap+Style bosses and team and I cannot wait (to see them and eat the delicious food). We've been working on a project with LOFT and I've been styling tons for them this week which I love, but a short break will also be nice. Styling for one store alone is really fun but also challenging to constantly create new looks; a break will hopefully recharge my somewhat overloaded mind. 

Let's not even talk about how much I'm going to miss Zach and Bear. They're my sweet ride or dies! Pretty sure their weekend will be full of football, Whataburger, and Legos. To them, that's the male equivalent of fashion week.

I'm guest blogging on my sweet friend Jenna's blog today so head over to check out an easy DIY you don't wanna miss for fall! I'll be back on the blog next week with lots of recaps from the Big Apple! 
xo, Britt