obsessed & over dressed

sweatshirt | jeans | sneakers | bag | choker

Hello from Newark, New Jersey! The past few days have been insanely crazy and I can't wait to tell you guys all about the madness. My mind is a struggling to put a thought together, I have six blisters on each foot, and the circles under my eyes are darker than the Hershey's bar I'm currently wolfing down. I feel like I've hardly eaten or slept in four days but it's totally been worth it for the amazingness that has been NYFW Spring 2017. I plan on fully recapping the trip starting tomorrow so stay tuned for the scoop on all of our adventures in the big apple!

I say I didn't eat much and yet somehow managed to stop at Shake Shack not once but twice, which did not disappoint. Today I got a double bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a coffee shake and it was heavenly. Sometimes places like that get a lot of hype and don't live up to it, but Steak Shack is the real deal. Wish my boys could try it because Bear would be all about those french fries and vanilla shakes. The boy knows what's good.

Time to board and head back to Houston and I'm so excited to see Zach and Bear, and of course actually get some sleep. And wear nothing but yoga pants and flip flops for the next two weeks. Hope your week is off to a great start! 
xo, Britt