20 weeks


photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I'm so excited to say that as of tomorrow, I will be halfway through this pregnancy! Everyone told me it would go quickly the second time around and they were right- it's really flying by and I can't believe we're already at the 20 week mark. I haven't done much in preparation, or anything besides buy some cute little outfits, but that's the benefit of having another boy- we pretty much have most of what we need (minus 8,000 diapers and 493,000 wipes). We are so excited to meet this little guy & are just so thankful for the life growing inside of me. 
Side note: The pictures above were taken at 16 weeks when I was in New York, so the bump has grown a little since then!

How Far Along: 20 weeks

Baby Size: 10 inches long, 10 1/2 ounces

Total Weight Gain: Still down about 5 pounds from pre-pregnancy. I need to gain, I know- I'm trying my hardest! Hoping to keep more food down but Baby is right where he needs to be, so the doctor isn't worried.

Maternity Clothes? Some, but they really aren't necessary. The way I see it...why not wear maternity jeans while I have the excuse? Most comfortable pants ever! I'm also living in leggings and flowy dresses.

Stretch Marks? Nope...I didn't get any with Bear so I'm praying this pregnancy is the same in that department.

Sleep: Pretty good but not as well as I was with my first pregnancy at this point. I'm up 2-3 times during the night to pee (this baby bounces around on my bladder like crazy) and I'm not requiring as much sleep as normal, which is kind of strange. But also good because I went through the exhaustion phase for a few weeks during the first trimester and that's tough.

Best moment this week: Feeling all the little kicks and flips Baby's been doing. I told Zach this baby will either play soccer or do karate. He's been kicking and karate chopping like crazy since 14 weeks (that I could feel, anyway). I love those little reminders all throughout the day of this precious gift from God.

Miss Anything? Feeling normal...being able to eat without the food coming right back up. Though it is getting a little better, thank goodness.

Movement: Lots!

Food Cravings: Crepes with Nutella, strawberries, & almonds | Schlotzsky's turkey sandwiches | pancakes & bacon | lemonade

Anything making you queasy or sick? The question would better be worded, "Anything not making you queasy or sick?". For this entire pregnancy, since about 4 weeks, I've thrown up almost every day. Most days it happens 3-5 different times. The worst is enjoying a delicious meal in a restaurant and then as soon as I set my fork down, realizing I have to run to the public restroom and lose everything I just ate. I think it's hard for people to imagine that I've been that sick during this pregnancy because I still go places and do things and refuse to let the sickness slow me down, mostly for Bear's sake but also for my own sanity. My parents instilled in my brothers and me from an early age to be "troopers"- that even if you feel terrible you have to fight through it. I actually never missed one single day of school from kindergarten-senior year of high school because my parents taught us to keep going and fight through illness. There were many days I wanted to play hooky but looking back I'm glad they didn't let me! I was just this sick when I was pregnant with Bear and it finally lifted around 20 weeks, so I have my fingers crossed that it will go away soon. It has definitely gotten better- I feel more human these days and I'm so thankful!

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: Not yet

Belly button in or out? Still normal

Wedding rings on or off? On & loose

Exercise: Hahahaha. Sorry, I really did laugh out loud when I read that. Those who know me well know that I'm not one for exercise, but I do walk every evening pregnant or not. It's usually just about 2 miles and that's when I talk to my Mom/grandma on the phone, so it's obviously not very vigorous physical activity. I'm excited for the weather to cool off more so the walks will be a little less sweaty and more enjoyable.

Looking forward to: Our big ultrasound in 2 weeks. We had one 2 weeks ago at 18 weeks but it wasn't planned- I actually just went in for a regular check-up appointment but when the OBGYN couldn't feel my cervix, she was a little worried and sent me in for an "emergency sonogram". I was freaking out a bit because I was by myself at the appointment with Bear (who was sick with strep throat at the time but I had no-one to keep him so he had to come with- he was definitely a little trooper). Luckily everything looked perfect on the ultrasound- baby boy was actually measuring big! Apparently I hide babies really well. He was sleeping, folded in half like a pretzel so the doctor couldn't see everything, which is why we're doing another ultrasound in 2 weeks. I hope Zach can come to that appointment because it's so neat to see our little guy up close and they have a 3D sonogram at our office so we will hopefully get to see his little face! 

Read my 20 week bumpdate with Bear HERE!

That was super long-winded; I feel like I haven't talked much about what's been going on with this pregnancy so I kind of made up for it in this post :). I plan on doing "bumpdates" every week or 2, mostly so I can document the pregnancy and have these to look back on. I still go back and read the ones from my pregnancy with Bear- I can't believe it's been 5 years! 
Thank you so much for reading- sending big hugs your way tonight!
xo, Britt