the importance of your squad

my similar dress | booties | bag | sunnies | earrings

photos by Vicki Bartel Photography

We've all heard the term "squad" when it comes to a group of girlfriends, especially over the past few years with the boom of Instagram and hashtags like #squadgoals. I'll be honest, I've never really been one for cliques. I've always liked to have a wide circle of friends and not seclude people- even now as an adult I have my "mommy friends", "blogging friends", "college friends", "hometown friends", etc etc. Just because we don't all hang out together doesn't mean they're not all part of my "squad"- this is not high school cheerleading (though I do miss it sometimes). No matter what walks of life we all come from, I learn more and more all the time just how important it is so surround myself with positive people. It's a good reminder to me personally, as well, to try and be the friend to others that I want in my life. 

I roomed with Shelbi, Kelly, and Kylie at NYFW and despite the fact that I felt like total crap most of the trip (morning sickness/worst cold ever), we had such a great time. It's always more fun traveling when you're surrounded by amazing girlfriends! I loved knowing that at any point, 2 of us could split off from the other two and be just fine. It was most fun as a foursome, of course, but we all get along so well that we enjoy ourselves no matter the group dynamic. Shelbi and I joked that K&K were "moms gone wild" (they were completely under control, don't worry) and we were the old ladies of the group, in bed before midnight every night. Kelly has 3 small kids and Kylie has 2, so they deserved some much needed mama time!

It's easy to get caught up in the rat race and start hanging out with people we think we should be associating with, rather than who we really enjoy being around. Life is too short to be anything but happy and since our friendships so heavily influence our lives, why not take them seriously? If self-care means putting yourself first and making your happiness a priority, then friendships are of upmost importance. Choose friends that make you laugh, call you just to check in, and genuinely care about you and your life. Being around people who make you feel good will positively impact your life in countless ways, and will in turn inspire you to be an even better person and friend. 

To all of my girlfriends reading this (and those who aren't): I love each of you and am so glad you're in my life. You all make me wanna be a better person and I hope I'm half the friend to each of you that you are to me. <3
*cheesy post over*

Cheers to a new week!
xo, Britt