easy holiday style

vest | tote | top | sunnies | necklace | booties

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Bonjour again! We are actually saying "au revoir" to Paris this morning (or night, depending on what part of the world you're on) and are sad to be leaving this beautiful city. We have had the most amazing trip- Paris is everything I thought it would be and more. I will confess that I'm glad to be going home to our own beds; I don't sleep well at all in hotels and most nights during our stay, I only got 2-3 hours of sleep. That's rough for a 25 week pregnant lady who's walking what feels like a million miles a day. I definitely have some rest to catch up on which you can rest assured (I rest, you rest) that I will. :)

I'm actually wearing the vest in the photos above right now as we travel- it's such a great layering piece and perfect for plane rides. I wore it traveling here, too, and it was hot on the plane so Bear used the vest as a pillow. Marley Lilly is always having sales and this monogrammed herringbone vest makes such a great Christmas present! This tote is also a favorite of mine that I happen to be carrying right now- it's a great travel tote as well since it holds my laptop, wallet, lots of snacks, etc. It's obvious that I'm a Southern girl because I love anything with a monogram! Marley Lilly is also having a HUGE Black Friday sale and offering free monogrammed duck boots (which I have and absolutely love), so be sure and do some shopping then if you've had your eye on anything. You can view the pre-sale here now! (this post isn't sponsored by ML, I just wanted to share the shopping love)

Okay I'm off to do a little last minute airport walking before we sit on a plane for 9 hours- please wish us luck that Bear does as well on this plane as he did the last. He's been the best kid this entire trip; more of a trooper than even his Mommy (Zach would agree, I'm sure). Bear's ready to be home and of course for his 5th birthday on Saturday!
xo, Britt