10 holiday party ideas

dress | similar shoes | earrings

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Every year when this week rolls around, my calendar starts filling up with holiday parties and plans for the month of December. I am SO excited for all the fun things we have going on next month- birthday parties, surprise parties, Christmas parties, and more! I don't think the boys care about it nearly as much as I do but bring on all the tacky sweaters, ornament exchanges, and white elephants and I'm happy. We usually host a holiday playdate at our house as well (last year's here) and if I can find the time/energy, I hope to have one again this year. After doing some scouring Pinterest for party ideas, I thought I'd share some inspiration with you guys as well in case any of you are wanting to get your holiday hostess on, too!

Holiday Party Ideas:
1. Christmas Gift Wrapping Party- Such a fun way to mark that chore off your list with a big group of friends! Have everyone bring a roll or two of wrap and make sure you have lots of open floorspace with pillows for sitting.
2. Holiday Detox Brunch- We all indulge over the holidays, so a detox brunch is the perfect way to find healthy inspiration for the new year. 
3. Make Your Own Ugly Sweater Party- We've all been to parties where you're expected to show up in a tacky sweater, but why not let your guests make them on the spot? Have a craft area set up where they can go wild- whoever ends up with the ugliest creation wins a prize. Especially fun for kids!
4. Favorite Things Party- Channel your inner Oprah and throw a Favorite Things Party! Think gift bags a la brown paper packages tied up with string and lots of fun felt garland.
5. Pajamas & Pancakes Party- Invite guests to show up in their favorite festive jammies and serve pancakes. Comfort+food is always a win/win.
6. Christmas in July Party- Have guests dress in their best summer attire (Hawaiian shirts & flip flops required) and serve up pina coladas & BBQ. A cute way to reverse the typical holiday party- just be sure and blare Bing Crosby's Mele Kalikimaka at some point during the party.
7. Crafternoon Bash- Get all of your Pinterest-loving friends together for an afternoon of crafting holiday cards, ornaments, wreaths, and mantel decor. Ask each guest to bring her favorite craft supplies so you can draw from a large selection and don't forget to serve cocktails & snacks- crafting can work up quite an appetite.
8. Holiday Game Night- Kick the season off right with some friendly competition. Create a line-up of classic games with a festive holiday twist like Christmas Bingo. Get creative with touches like covering the bingo board in popcorn rather than place-markers. 
9. Around-the-World Cookie Swap- Add a twist to this traditional Christmas party by asking guests to come with an international cookie recipe. Be sure & have hot cocoa and to-go boxes for guests to take home all the yummy treats.
10. Christmas Carol Karaoke Night- Invest in a home karaoke system and load it up with your favorite holiday jams. Have your guests sign a vintage holiday record as a guest book before they take their turn at the microphone. 

Does this get you as excited for the next 5 weeks as it does me? Bring on all the fun festivities!
xo, Britt

p.s. My holiday dress above is perfect for all those special winter parties- use THIS LINK to get 20% off your purchase of anything from Dan Munier!