bumpdate: 26 weeks


photos by Ban Avenue Photography

There's finally a little baby bump! These pictures were actually taken 2 weeks ago at 24 weeks so the bump has grown a little since then but this dress really shows it off. The dress isn't maternity and under $25- y'all know I love all things leopard and purple has been my favorite color lately so I had to have it! We got in from Paris around 4pm last Friday evening and were going to stay in Houston until Sunday, but Bear's birthday was Saturday and his one wish was to see his cousins on his 5th birthday. So we crashed around 7pm Friday evening (jet lagged/hadn't slept in 2 days), got up Saturday to do laundry/unpack/pack, and drove 8 hours to our hometown to be with family for the next week. We are loving every minute and enjoying the vacation from the vacation. And Bear had the best birthday he could've had- he got to celebrate at Prime Time with his cousins and they had so much fun! 

How Far Along: 26 weeks

Baby Size: 14 inches long, 2 pounds

Total Weight Gain: I haven't kept up with this well but as of last week, still down 2 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight

Maternity Clothes? I'm pretty much living in maternity jeans and leggings at this point, especially now that the weather has cooled off. I can still wear regular dresses and hopefully will be able to the entire pregnancy (less I have to buy!). 

Stretch Marks? Not yet- I never got them with Bear so I'm hoping for the same luck this time around.

Sleep: This is just completely dependent on the night- some nights I sleep really well and others I struggle with insomnia. When we were in Paris it was especially bad; in the 7 nights we were there I averaged 2-3 hours of sleep per night. And I should have been exhausted as much walking as we were doing! Now that we are home visiting my parents for the week, I'm sleeping great at their house. If only Bear would let me sleep in past 8am :). He's still got a little jet lag.

Best moment this week: There have been so many! Yesterday I felt Baby Boy have the hiccups for the first time (right after I started drinking a Diet Coke) and it made me so happy. I felt Bear have the hiccups almost every day the last few months of pregnancy with him and I had missed that sweet feeling.

Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night without getting up to pee 87 times. Okay maybe not 87, but at least 4!

Movement: All the time...this boy is always moving.

Food Cravings: Still loving crepes- Paris fed the addiction, literally. Also wanting Diet Coke with meals- I hadn't had a Coke product of any kind in over 5 months until about a week ago and now I want one with every meal. I even had a DC with my donuts this morning. #shameless 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Finally, thankfully, over this! It only took 24 weeks to get over the sickness but I'm finally able to keep food down. 

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: Not yet

Belly button in or out? Still normal

Wedding rings on or off? On & loose

Exercise: Just a lot of walking- we walked probably between 5-8 miles or more every day we were in Paris so I count that as exercise. 

Looking forward to: THANKSGIVING! We have two full days of it and I'm ready to stuff my face and blame it on eating for two. Most looking forward to my Mom's broccoli cheese casserole, corn casserole, and Zach's brother's deep fried turkey.

Thank you for stopping by- I'll be back in a few days with lots of Black Friday sales to share with you!
xo, Britt