sunday randoms

similar skirt | booties | sweater | bag | earrings

photos by Scott Perez

Happy Sunday, friends! Has this day felt extremely long to anyone else? Not that I'm complaining because our Sundays usually fly by but I think it has something to do with the time change last night. At 4pm I was ready to eat dinner #timechange #pregnant so Zach and I fixed pancakes and bacon and it was glorious. I could eat breakfast for supper every night (every meal, actually). We haven't done much today but I was able to get a lot of work done which was nice and surprisingly productive! I fought the urge to run to TJ Maxx (I have a return but would end up buying all the things); however, I did some online Target shopping since the new line by Chip & Joanna, Hearth and Hand, came out today! If you haven't checked it out you need to- so many beautiful pieces at great prices! And just in time for the holidays.

My parents came and stayed with us this weekend because we celebrated Bear's 5th birthday at Chuck E. Cheese yesterday. I mentioned a post or two ago that he doesn't actually turn 5 until November 18th but we are traveling a lot this month and needed to go ahead and have the party. Bear had the best time- he was in heaven surrounded by his friends and endless games! He was hilarious in the ticket blaster- Zach told him to hold his shirt out and try to catch as many tickets as he could. So when Bear was in the machine he pulled his shirt up and showed his belly the whole time but didn't actually catch any tickets in it. He was having so much fun that he didn't even care- he was running around that place with the biggest smile on his face. Overall the party was a success (no clean up+happy Bear=win) and we are so thankful to all our friends and family who came out to celebrate Bear's big day. 

This week is a busy one as we prepare to leave for Paris- we're taking family photos in front of the Eiffel Tower and I still haven't planned our outfits. I need to get on it but the struggle is so real! Ideally I'd love for Zach to be in a suit but packing that & taking it to France when we already have limited luggage just isn't logical. Soooo, we shall see what happens. If I can just get the boys to agree to take pictures at all, it'll be a major feat. They're not fans but they're always troopers.
Hope you've had the best weekend- thank you for stopping by!
xo, Britt