32 week bumpdate

sweater | jeans | boots | clutch | necklace

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Remember how I said I was in denial that another year had come and gone and it's already 2018? Yeah...I'm probably even more in denial that I'm only 5 weeks away from being considered full-term in this pregnancy. It has absolutely flown by and I need to get my act together! Tomorrow I'm gonna pull out all of Bear's baby clothes from storage and see what we have/need; since it's been 5 years I can't really remember. I'm one of those people who gets overly excited about things and while I'm dying to meet this baby boy, I've avoided over-thinking it or A-I'll just stress myself out over labor and B-Time would really drag. Staying busy and keeping up with Bear has kept my mind off the countdown and I think that's how this has crept up on me. But now that I realize how close we're getting, I can't help but feel giddy and so excited for February 27th (not that he'll come on the exact day, but hopefully close)!

Pretty sure I already had my hospital bag packed by this point with Bear and if I didn't plan on doing a blog post about that (per several of your request!), I'll admit that I'd probably be waiting until February 26th at midnight to do so. That's how I've rolled this pregnancy...is that normal with the second child? Lord help us if we ever have a third.

How Far Along: 32 weeks

Baby Size: 17 inches long, 4 pounds (ish-not sure exactly on these)

Total Weight Gain: 7 pounds

Maternity Clothes? Definitely maternity pants- I've had to retire all my old jeans that refuse to zip up anymore until March. I'm mostly living in leggings the past several months- these are my favorites. 

Stretch Marks? Not yet! Well I do have a few but I don't think they're pregnancy related.

Sleep: Sleeping great other than getting up 3-4 times during the night to pee. I'm on a crazy sleeping schedule; the whole time we were staying with family over the holidays I'd stay up until 2am or so and sleep until 10am. I can't get out of that cycle but I need to break it because Bear starts back to school next week and it's back to the normal grind!

Best moment this week: Technically last week but having our very first Christmas morning at our own house was pretty magical. Bear got a puppy which he's thrilled about (named Dasher, appropriately) and of course Santa came through on toys. I can't wait for next Christmas with both boys!

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back, my back not killing me...mostly back-related things it seems. 

Movement: Tons! Baby Boy may be a ninja because he moves constantly. I think he head-butts me as well because I feel strong movement on my lower left and upper right sides at the same time. That or maybe he has his arms over his head and punches while he kicks?

Food Cravings: Oh man, lots. My Mom's pumpkin bread (which I didn't get ANY of over Christmas and I'm pretty sad about it), still loving Nutella crepes with strawberries & almonds, Whataburger, and Diet Coke.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Occasionally I'll still lose my lunch but it doesn't happen often anymore; the nausea was heavy until about 25 weeks but is mostly gone.

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: Having braxton hicks the past couple of weeks- I had no idea what they were and started to get worried that I was having so many cramps. After some googling (which is usually my worst enemy), I realized what I've been experiencing. I never had them with Bear so I had no idea!

Belly button in or out? This is a big topic of debate around here- still in I guess but it looks.....odd.

Wedding rings on or off? On & loose

Exercise: Zero, unfortunately. It's been too cold to take my evening walks the past couple of weeks so I've just been staying busy around the house and we've traveled quite a bit, too, which makes it hard. The weather should warm up in Houston soon and I'll keep trying to walk 2-3 miles every evening. That's about as much exercise as you'll ever see me do, pregnant or not.

Looking forward to: My check-up appointment tomorrow (still love the reassurance of hearing his heartbeat) and baby showers this month!

I'm still kind of in that "what day is it?" post-Christmas funk but thinking I'll snap out of it next week when Zach goes back to work and Bear starts pre-k again. I bought a new planner yesterday (this one and I LOVE- I've had Kate Spade planners before and they're amazing) and loaded up on stickers today; I spent a good chunk of the evening planning, setting goals for 2018, and brainstorming blog ideas. If there's anything specific you'd like to see more of (ie more recipes? a home tour? collages?) please let me know- it matters most to me that I produce what you guys want to see/read. I'm so thankful for each of you that stop by Hello Honey and make this dream of mine a reality; you guys are the BEST!
xo, Britt