beating the post-holiday blues

sweater | similar bag | jeans | earrings

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Does anyone else feel like the days between Christmas and New Year's Day are a total blur? You don't know what day of the week it is, what's going on in your normal life, and are just in this post Christmas-funk? I feel that way every year after Christmas Day- probably because there's so much (self-induced) hype building up to the holidays and it all goes by so quickly, then we're just left wondering how it flew by and when we have to go back to work and get in regular routines. We've opened all the presents, recovered from serious food comas, and have played boardgames until we're taboo'ed out. 

Don't get me wrong, we had the most magical Christmas this year. In fact, it's probably been my favorite holiday season to date (and that's saying a lot!) between the new baby on the way, Bear's excitement over Santa, and all the family we've gotten to see and spend time with. We've done so many fun and festive things from looking at lights, baking/decorating cookies, trips to the Christmas tree farm, book exchanges with friends, holiday parties, Bear's school program, building gingerbread houses, wrapping gifts (my personal favorite), singing carols, and the list goes on. It's been such a wonderful Christmas season and that's in fact why it's a little sad when it's all over- because it's so much fun! I can't help but miss it all each year on December 26th, but there are several ways I keep the holiday cheer up and running.

1. Looking forward to the next year- 2018 is quickly approaching which is exciting! Time to set goals, bust out the new planner (perfect time to get a new one you'll be excited to write in/stay organized), and make fun plans to look forward to. This is a huge one that always helps me get prepared for things to come and the upcoming year. Positive vibes moving forward!
2. Get back in good habits- Fell off the wagon a little bit over the holidays with all the delicious food and treats at every event/family gathering? Don't beat yourself up- we're all in the same boat! Cut yourself some slack as you ease back into a routine and make healthier choices. Baby steps- don't throw that pumpkin pie out just yet. :)
3. Allow yourself to rest & recharge- I'm guilty of working all through the holidays (as I sit here answering emails/catching up on work); I definitely get plenty of rest but I don't allow myself much of a break from emails or work issues. This isn't exactly healthy as it's important to take a step back sometimes and unplug from work/social media. Even if it's just for a day, or a dinner, allow yourself some screen-free time to just enjoy family before the holidays are over. You'll feel better for it and will likely be more motivated once you are back at work.
4. Keep up the good cheer- We all feel a little more merry during the holidays and do things we wouldn't normally do like taking treats to neighbors, buying a stranger's drink at Starbucks, or gifting to children on an Angel Tree. There's no reason to stop the good deeds just because December is coming to a close- try to keep the spirit of the season going by doing something kind for someone else. A good idea to start with is writing thank you notes for Christmas gifts; I plan to have Bear do this and teach him to be grateful for what he's been given.

I hope you all have had the most special holiday season and that that good cheer continues to stay with you the whole year through. Sending big hugs yours way tonight!
xo, Britt