spring bucket list

lace-up top | white shorts | pom pom sandals | earrings | tassel clutch | sunnies

Spring is upon us and as y'all can tell, I'm just a wee bit excited! There are so many things to love about this glorious season, from the weather to the candy aisle at Target (Easter candy is the BEST). The days are now longer, allowing for more time outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. This also means my to-do list is a mile long because I want to do all the things and soak up every minute of this time with my little man. I try to make a bucket list with each new season and put it on the fridge, marking off every item as we see it through. Bear helped me composite a list this afternoon of all the things we hope to do before June 20th (when the heat wave hits)!

1. bake a bunny cake
2. go to the zoo
3. dye and decorate eggs
4. make a trip to the beach (planned for next week!)
5. plant seeds
6. make bird feeders
7. go to the Houston rodeo (happening Friday!)
8. have a backyard picnic
9. try a new snow-cone stand
10. subscribe to a new magazine
11. fly a kite
12. make sun tea
13. go to the farmers market
14. have a scavenger hunt
15. take a trip to the library
16. go on a nature walk
17. have a bonfire with s'mores
18. attend at least 3 Easter egg hunts
19. visit a fire station
20. do major spring cleaning
21. buy and use sidewalk chalk
22. go fishing
23. make flower pot bread
24. see a concert (also happening Friday!)
25. go to the strawberry farm and pick fresh berries

Bear and I had a little friend over this morning- my sweet friend Michelle's little boy, Jacob. He's ten months old and just the cutest little thing- he may or may not have totally given me baby fever. Bear was so loving with him too, it made my mama heart happy to see Bear being so gentle and giving with the baby. I don't babysit often but when I do, you can bet that baby is gonna be held pretty much the entire time. And fed a lot of Cheerio's.

Happy Hump Day, friends! 
xo, Britt