tassels & poms

similar romper | sandals | sunnies | bag | earrings


One of my very favorite trends for spring and summer is the onslaught of tassels and pom poms all over everything from earrings to strappy sandals. I thought last year might phase out the craze but thankfully I was mistaken and these beachy little details have found their way back in an even bigger and better way. And if you're wondering if you can combine the two trends, the answer is of course! I think the secret to pulling off both tassels and pom poms in the same look is making sure to balance them out- like above, I have pom poms on my shoes, then midway with the clutch, and up top with the earrings. Space out your pieces rather than wearing them all in the same spot if that makes sense!

We are back on the t-ball grind and Bear was so cute at practice this evening, I could hardly stand it. He turned his cap around backwards mid-way through so he totally looked like Mr. Cool Dude but then a few minutes later, started crying and screaming because he was standing in an ant bed and getting bitten all over. Of course I had a Mama Bear moment and rushed the field, throwing my phone down in the process and acting like the world was ending. Practice came to a crashing halt as I yanked off Bear's cleats as fast as I could and started getting all the ants out between his sobs. He ended up being fine minus quite a few bites, and I returned to my seat without making eye contact with any of the other parents (that way maybe they'd overlook my craziness). Bear finished off the practice like a trooper, backwards hat and all, but not without checking the ground every five seconds to make sure he was in the clear. I guess avoiding ants is better than picking flowers like he did at the first practice. Progress, amiright?

Hope you all had a great St. Paddy's Day! And cheers to the weekend!
xo, Britt