our new pet

similar dress (here too) | similar wedges | bag | earrings


First of all, I want to say a big thank you to those of you who commented on the last post and sent emails with your kind and helpful feedback. I can't tell you enough how much it means to me and I'm already feeling more inspired and hopeful that my writer's block will pass soon. In the meantime, I wanted to share another outfit from Puerto Vallarta and introduce the newest member of the Fullwood family to you guys....

We got a hamster! Bear has been asking for one for several weeks now and Zach made the mistake of telling Bear that he had hamsters growing up, so Bear was convinced he needed one. He even came home from school on Tuesday telling me that he told his teacher he was getting a hamster. Zach was in Dallas the past couple of days for work and after dinner last night on a whim, I put Bear in the car and we headed for Petco. He was beyond thrilled- it made my mama heart so happy to look in the backseat and see him beaming with excitement. Once we got to Petco, a very friendly employee named Jesus helped us pick out our hamster. Jesus was a little weary of the hamsters, telling us that most of them bite, but it didn't scare Bear away (it did me somewhat). Bear picked a teddy bear or "golden" hamster (not a dwarf but a little bigger) that's so cute and a little chubby- he reminds me of Gus from Cinderella (I know Gus is a mouse but let's be real, rodents are rodents). 

When we got home it hit me that I had to assemble the cage by myself and you all know by now that Zach is Mr. Fix It and I am Mrs. Break It. Nonetheless, I attempted a cage assembly while Bear watched the hamster to make sure he didn't disappear into the vast unknown of our house. Somehow we managed not to lose our little friend and get his cage put together, so we celebrated with coke floats and sat down to name our new pet. Bear's diehard choice was "I Love You Hamster", to which I gently informed him wouldn't work and he needed to choose just one word. His second choice? "Hammy". Hammy the hamster it is. We agreed to keep our furry friend a secret and surprise Zach when he got home today, but Z threw a kink in the plan when he FaceTimed us last night. As soon as I saw my phone light up, I knew it was gonna be risky. I looked at Bear and said, "Don't tell Daddy about Hammy! Remember, it's our surprise" and he nodded with delight. Our talk was quickly forgotten as five minutes into the FaceTime conversation, Bear blurted out, "Do you hear somethin', Daddy? That's our pet hamster in his cage!". So much for our big surprise. If you ever want a secret kept, don't tell it to a four year old. 

xo, Britt