red ruffle romper+an update

similar dress (also here)| bag | sunnies | earrings | wedges

First off, let me just say that my mind was beyond blown when I got home from ZARA (after purchasing this "dress") only to realize that it is in fact not a dress but a romper. Apparently that kind of surprise happens when you're too lazy to try on things in the store. I wasn't mad, more excited actually, because rompers are more practical for this mama than a short dress, anyway. Give me all the ruffles too, please! I wish we'd gotten a photo of the back of this romper because it has the cutest tie-back. I linked an almost identical dress but I'm sorry that I couldn't find a similar romper! You'll thank me when you need to use a public restroom (TMI). 

As far as the update the title of this post promised, there's not a whole lot to report. I just wanted to vent for a minute and let you all in on the somewhat obvious fact that I've had a bit of writer's block when it comes to the blog lately and the struggle is real, you guys! I've always loved to write- poetry, short stories, random texts to friends, and especially posts for Hello Honey! But the past few weeks when I sit down to write a post, the inspiration just isn't there. And it's killing me because I want posts on this blog to be meaningful and worth reading, not just a random assortment of thoughts like it's been lately. So for those of you sticking with it who keep coming back for more regardless of my ramblings, I can't thank you enough. You have no idea how much your support and readership means to me! From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 

I've been trying my hardest to seek inspiration and get my brain in gear, but I've found it's not something that can be forced. The more I try and force it, the less genuine and real my posts come across. And that's the last thing I want! So please bear with me while I attempt to exercise my creative juices and get back in the swing of things. Sometimes life takes over and my mind can only have so many different tabs open at once- I have to put my family and friends above work, so the blog has to suffer a little bit when life gets crazy. But rest assured that all of you are SO very important to me and I am doing my best to push out my best content for you. :) I just baked a little something today that will be on here soon- you guys know I love me some dessert! 

Speaking of content, it would do me such a humongous favor if you could take a minute and answer a question for me! If I can narrow down what you guys like to see most on Hello Honey, I'll have a better idea of what direction to take my posts. If you could let me know which post type(s) are your favorite, I would be so grateful! Or if you have any other/new ideas of things you'd like to see, I'd love to hear your suggestions as well!

1. What is your favorite post type to read on HH?
a- Recipe
b- Outfit
c- DIY/Craft
d- Photo Collage
e- Q&A
f- Beauty
g- Instagram Round-Up
h- other (please specify!)

Thank you so much! You guys are the best!
xo, Britt