dancing dress

similar dress | shoes | clutch | earrings | bracelets | sunnies

I wore this pink tassel dress for dinner one evening in Puerto Vallarta and I felt like salsa dancing the night away in it- the tassels swish back and forth and I couldn't stop twirling around like a crazy person. If you're wondering whether or not Shelbi and I salsa danced in Mexico, the answer would sadly be no. We were given a lot of great recommendations on places to go (like a hot spot called "Madalena") but every evening around 10pm, we were so full from stuffing our faces all day that we just wanted to slip into jammies and hit the hay. "Fiesta, siesta, repeat" was our mantra for the trip, except scratch the fiesta and replace it with "lay by the pool and do nothing all day" and that was us. Basically the best (laziest) trip ever.

Speaking of lazy, Bear and I haven't left the house today and it's been kind of nice. I usually get cabin fever if we don't get out at least once but I have so many emails and work to catch up on that the day has passed surprisingly quickly. Bear is such a little homebody- he loves being at our house and would stay here 24/7 if it were up to him. Anytime we go out to run errands, he'll ask me, "Where we going next, Mommy?". I'll answer and then say, "Where would you like to go, Bear?" to which he responds with "our house" every single time. Deep down I secretly love that he enjoys being home- I want to bottle up his sweetness and keep him this little forever.

Back to the outfit- I've had this clutch for a year now and I have carried it countless times. I love the mix of straw and pom poms and the fun pop of color it adds to an outfit (not that my outfits ever need additional color..). It's actually really roomy and holds quite a bit, and I like that it's a casual clutch and great for day-time use. Perfect for a beachy vacay! Think I need another one...vacay, I mean. :)

After a much needed day of rest yesterday, we are finally feeling rejuvenated from the craziness that was last week. On to lots of t-ball, meetings, and a fun week ahead! Sending big hugs your way!
xo, Britt