the mom bun

similar top (mine's from Zara) | jeans | earrings | sunnies | shoes

Growing up, my hair pretty much lived in a ponytail. I played sports and did cheerleading, so I was always required to have my mane pulled back out of my face. My hair has been long most of my life with the exception of a spontaneous decision in Lima, Peru circa 2007. I was 19 at the time and there on a mission trip with two other college kids my age, when suddenly I decided I needed to chop my hair off. It was really long at the time, probably longer than it is now, and we didn't have any running water in our apartment. We had to go up on the roof every night and pump ice cold water into 2 liter coke bottles just to take a "shower"- it was torturous! It was really hard to wash all of my hair that way and chopping it off seemed better than dealing with six more weeks of bottle-washing agony. So I paid $1.50 for a lopsided haircut (I later went back and asked for it to be even on both sides) and y'all, it was short. Like, almost pixie short. Not gonna lie, I kind of loved the low maintenance of a super short do. I'll never forget my grandma's reaction when I got home from that trip: "Oh Brittany, what did you do to your hair?"
She was unimpressed.

It's strange, I don't feel the need to pull my hair up much anymore. It doesn't bother me being down all day like it did back in my high school and college days. That said, I still do pull it back when I'm chasing around after Bear (which is somewhat often!) or when he requests it. Yes, my son prefers my hair to be up. He'll say, "Mommy, I like it when your hair is in a ponytail"...must say a lot about the amazing job I do curling my hair. Luckily, messy top knots aka mom buns are in style and if that's what my little man wants, I have no qualms giving in to his sweet request. Now if he starts wanting me to go without makeup or something, then we'll have a problem. Ain't nobody wanna see that on the daily. 

The next time y'all will *probably* be hearing from me is next Tuesday because I'm headed off to Puerto Vallarta in the morning for a much needed vacay! I'm sure there will be a million pictures posted on here after the fact but if you'd like to follow along during our adventure, my Snapchat username is "brittfullwood" and I'll be videoing all the excitement, or lack thereof laying out by the pool, during the trip. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Adios amigos! :)
xo, Britt