a day in the life

dress | bag | earrings | shoes

photos by Studio Belle Photography

I'm sitting here a bit in shock because I just got home from an interview with Bear's preschool for next year- how can my baby be starting pre-k in the fall?! Cue the waterworks and serious denial. Aside from the fact that I was nervous about totally blowing my kid's chances of getting into the academy (and may have done so), hopefully Bear will be starting a great program in the fall where he will learn and thrive. I think he'll most be excited that I got the green light to bring Chick Fil A for lunch any time he wants. My one question at the end of the interview? "He won't have homework, will he?"

I'm nosey and love hearing about other peoples' happenings, so I thought I'd give y'all a run down of what a typical day looks like for this mama. My schedule is somewhat all over the place and really varies from day to day, but here's what a normal Tuesday often looks like for me.

5:45am- Zach wakes up. Zach's alarm goes off, he showers and heads to work by 6:30am. Bear and I are oblivious to the world.
9am- Wake up. Late, I know! I'm usually up until at least 1am working on blog stuff and y'all know by now that I am not a morning person by any means. I'll get ready quickly, which usually consists of yoga pants and a top knot.
9:15am- Wake Bear up. He's not a morning person either, obviously. I'll throw his clothes on, brush his teeth, and we're running out the door. I also make his lunch and lay out his clothes the night before because we're inevitably always running late.
9:30am- Drop Bear off at MDO. Sit in the car for a good 5 minutes and celebrate/simultaneously miss him.
9:45am- Get ready. I'll run back home (we live less than a mile from Bear's school) and get ready for the day quickly. Maybe even curl my hair if I'm feeling extra energized! I'll also have coffee and answer emails during this time.
10:30am- Meetings. I plan my work meetings, conference calls, and lunches on Tuesdays and Thursdays while Bear is at MDO. My sweet friend Shelbi also recently had surgery so lately I've been keeping her company on these days as much as I can! I'm apart of several local groups like The Rising Tide Society and Out of the Loop Bloggers that meet regularly and it's amazing to have the support of other local creatives. 
Noon- Lunch! Never miss this one. I eat lunch out every single day (bad, I know!) and typically always meet up with friends.
1pm- Errands. You mamas know that there are always endless errands! Cleaners, post office, groceries, bank, returns from excessive online purchases, etc. 
2:15pm- Pick Bear up from MDO. He isn't technically done until 2:30 but I just can't wait to see the sweet rascal. Also one time I made the mistake of being the last parent there to pick up and he cried saying "Never do that again, Mommy", so that hasn't happened since.
2:30pm- Get home. And give Bear 837 snacks because apparently he hasn't eaten all day, and go over everything he did at school.
3-7pm- Work at my stylist job. I work for an app called Snap+Style and it's honestly a dream job for me. I get to style clothes and help people from the comfort of my own couch- I never thought I'd have a job I actually truly loved! If you haven't tried Snap+Style, it's a free app that let's you have one-on-one consulting with a real stylist- more info here! Bear plays during this time; luckily he plays really well on his own and loves to sit at the kitchen table with play doh and crafts for hours. Zach also gets home during this time, around 6:30pm usually.
7pm- Dinner. Notice there wasn't much time difference between the end of my work shift and the start of dinner :). On these days we'll do something really simple for supper like sandwiches or a frozen pizza (I know, I know..not exactly the healthiest or most impressive. I'm no Rachael Ray...just keeping it real here).
7:30pm- Walk. I love this time of year because it gets dark so late and I have plenty of time for an evening walk! The boys will usually come with me and stop off at the neighborhood park where Bear can swing, slide, and run wild to burn off some energy before bedtime. I'll walk the mile trail around the lakes just down the road from our house, and this is when I call my grandma and catch up with her.
8pm- Family time. We watch TV, play, and visit as a family for an hour or so before bath time. Bear also loves to draw (he gets this from Zach- I can't draw to save my life) so we get out art supplies and let him create masterpieces.
8:45pm- Bathtime for Bear. He loved this more when he was younger but these days it's a pretty quick task. 
9:15pm- Bedtime for Bear. We will read a couple books, tell a story, say prayers, and watch a little bit of cartoons if he's not super tired. Bear's usually asleep somewhere between 9:30-10pm. Late, I know, but it works for us! On the five days he doesn't have school, he will sleep until 10am the next morning. On school days, he takes a short nap while he's there (or so they tell me- I'm still not a full believer and want to know their secret). 
10pm- Shower and work for me. Bear still co-sleeps with us and Zach goes to sleep when Bear does. I slip out of bed and take a shower (or scalding hot bubble bath, usually) and head to the office to work. I'll upload & edit photos, answer more emails, write posts, catch up on all social media (Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), plan outfits & shoots, etc. If I'm not careful, I could easily work all night. I'll usually stop around 1pm and am asleep shortly after. A bloggers' work is never done, but it's the best job ever and I'm so lucky to be able to do it. Thanks to all of you!


I really am so grateful for each and everyone of you who stop by Hello Honey, leave comments, send emails, and are just all around amazing. Without you, this blog would not be the small business it has grown into and I want to cry just thinking of how supportive so many of you have been. I don't say it enough but your support and readership means the world to me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 
xo, Britt