embroidered maxi+hammy update

dress | earrings | similar shoes | bag

photos by RaeTay Photography

I had high hopes of really coming up with a good topic for this post but alas, here I am ready to ramble. First, let's talk about the dress. My sweet friend Shelbi wore this dress when we were in Puerto Vallarta and I fell in love and had to have it. It's not often that a dress sweeps in and steals my heart but this one did just that- the combo of a flowy white maxi with gorgeous embroidered detail will do that to a girl (especially a shopaholic like myself). I feel like this would be the perfect bride-to-be dress for a summer shower or honeymoon, especially since it also happens to be on sale right now! The quality of the dress is amazing and the fit is comfy too- it zips up the side and runs true to size. I love a good side-zip dress (especially when the fabric is white!) so I can step in and out of it and don't have to worry about getting my make-up all over the place. I've only done that a few thousand times in my life.

Y'all have heard me talk a lot about our new pet hamster, Hammy, by now. We've lost him a total of four times already and found him every time by some divine miracle of the universe. Well, actually it was all Zach's doing because he's the animal whisperer but still. Hammy was saved and that's all that matters. We sing Amazing Grace to our hamster often: "I once was lost, but now I am found". Although I'm fairly certain that Hammy wanted to stay lost because Bear loves on his pet a little too much at times. He wants to hold Hammy constantly and isn't the most gentle with his pet- even if he does have good intentions. As I type this, Bear and Hammy are sitting across the living room in our over-sized recliner, watching Hammy Time videos on YouTube and eating Goldfish (yes, both of them are eating them...Hammy devours those things). Bear thinks these Hammy Time videos are the funniest things ever and we showed my parents one night while they were here this past weekend- we were all in tears by the end. Now Zach and I just have to figure out how to get Bear to stop singing "Joy to my nuts"....he might get in trouble at his very religious Mother's Day Out for that one.

Somehow this post turned into a hamster update- definitely didn't see that one coming when I started out writing about this very feminine maxi dress. I also want to give a shout out to my precious friend Rachel who took these pictures- if you're in the Houston area (especially all you brides-to-be I mentioned earlier!), Rachel comes highly recommended. She's the sweetest ever and does gorgeous work!

I hope you all had an amazing weekend! I mentioned that my parents were here and we had so much fun- it just went by too quickly per usual. We shopped, ate at our favorite, Gringo's, went to Bear's next-to-last t-ball game (thank heavens), and soaked up these last few weeks of glorious Houston weather before the heat wave hits. Cheers to a new and exciting week!
xo, Britt