keep palm and carry on

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In yesterday's post, I felt the need to share a quote and try and share some wisdom that I myself need to apply more often. After writing the title of this post, I started to think about the saying "Keep calm and carry on" and what it means to me. I realized that I had no clue the actual origin of the phrase- in my mind it was an overused phrase plastered on t-shirts and coffee mugs that Etsy shops bank off of. After a little research, I learned it has a much more profound meaning that I originally thought. The words first appeared on a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation for World War II. The poster was intended to raise the morale of the British public, threatened with widely predicted mass air attacks on major cities at the time. Maybe most of you already knew this and I'm just a dumb dumb, but I had no idea and found this bit of history fascinating.

I like to think of myself as a pretty patient person who lets things roll off my back for the most part but on occasion, I really get stuck on something. If there is ever "drama" in our life, I find myself calling my Mom immediately to vent about it. Then talking Zach's ear off about it when he gets home from work. And thinking about it for several days after before I finally let whatever actually happened (that inevitably wasn't the end of the world in the first place) go. I need to be better about "keeping calm and carrying on" in situations that I can't control to begin with. And even if I can control them, it's still best just to smile and keep going. Life is too short to get so worried and worked up over something- and this is hard for me because I'm a worrier by nature. It hasn't gotten any better since becoming a Mom, either! I find that when I'm relaxed and blow things off, I feel happiest and most content. And I think that energy, whether positive or negative, rubs off on those around me so I want to do my best to always strive for an uplifting attitude. I'm sure Zach and my Mom will appreciate it, too. :)

Are you loving or hating the current palm leaf trend? I'm a big fan and have the print in everything from shoes to my current phone case. I'm linking some of my favorite palm products below in case you wanna hop on the bandwagon!
xo, Britt