one in a melon

skirt | shoes | similar top | bag | sunnies | earrings  

photos by Ban Avenue

The night before this photoshoot, I actually had a double photoshoot booked for the following day and my parents were in town visiting. Luckily my Mom was here to help with ironing and steaming because 13 outfits is a lot to prepare for! As I was steaming this watermelon skirt, Zach made his fair share of jokes; apparently he's not down with the current fruit-craze. I, however, am obviously fully on board! I don't even really love watermelon, unless they come in the form of Watermelon Sour Patch. Then I'll take six packages, please. If I do eat a watermelon, you better believe it's gonna be covered in salt. I've been so surprised in my adult life to find out how many people think that's crazy but in our family, salt on watermelon and cantaloupe is the norm. Don't knock it till you've tried it!

I saw a quote on Pinterest the other day that said "Don't let the seeds stop you from enjoying the watermelon" and being the fruit fanatic I am lately, it struck a chord. So many times, I find myself discouraged by something small that I should just ignore and work around. Picking out all those annoying little seeds can seem tedious and too time-consuming but once you take a bite of that sweet watermelon (covered in salt, of course), it's totally worth all the work. Sometimes reaching our goals can feel overwhelming or like it's taking entirely too long, but it's important to remember that if the struggle is real, it's worth it in the end. And have you ever noticed that the more pesky little seeds a watermelon has, the better it seems to taste? Funny how that works.

Just a little food for thought for your Tuesday afternoon (pun totally intended). I'm currently downing a Starbucks Frappuccino at 5pm because, well, I have a four year old little boy. It's much needed! I've started buying the glass bottle four-packs at HEB and they're just around a dollar each so it's a much cheaper option than an actual Starbucks run. But don't be fooled, I still make my fair share of those, too. :)
xo, Britt