some big news...

We have a little secret to share...someone's gonna be a brother Bear!
 We are so thrilled and overjoyed for Baby #2, arriving end of February 2018. 

I have no idea where to even start- there's so much I want to say in this post! I feel like I have some explaining to do because I've been such a bad blogger the past several months, but hopefully now you'll understand why. Similar to my pregnancy with Bear, I have been very sick this go-round. Throwing up several times every morning (every single morning) and nauseous all day long. I was talking with one of the teachers at Bear's school today and she described it best: it's like you constantly have the flu, for months. Luckily I'm able to keep food down this time (wasn't the case with the first pregnancy) so that has been a blessing. I could complain about the sickness or just embrace the fact that it means a healthy little baby is growing inside of me, so I choose the latter. But to those of you whom I've cancelled plans with or if you've wondered why I've been so MIA, that's why! The times I do get out and do things, I have to absolutely force myself because A- Bear still deserves a fun summer! and B- I honestly feel better if I'm not just moping around. The sickness lasted until about 20 weeks with Bear and I'm 12 weeks now, so hoping it all passes soon. Thank you to all my sweet friends who have been patient and understanding through this first trimester!

We found out really early on (morning sickness kind of gives it away) and decided to tell our families when we were home for the 4th of July. We knew it was early to share the news (I was about 5 weeks), but would also probably be the last time we'd all be together, face to face, until Thanksgiving. We had last minute t-shirts made at a mall kiosk and surprised both sides of the fam. Bear was especially so excited to share his big news! I love that he's old enough to really understand and be excited for a little brother or sister.

(Zach didn't want a shirt so he got a $5 JCPenney find)

Zach and Bear have been saints through this pregnancy, taking such good care of me with tasks like cooking supper every evening and washing all the dishes. I'm so thankful for my sweet boys and everything they do; we're all so excited and thankful for this baby. Many of you don't know, but we had been trying for almost a year. So this little one was highly anticipated and while it seemed like a long wait at the time, we are just incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have another child and know that everything is in God's timing. I have several close friends who have struggled with infertility and it's been important to me to be sensitive to everything they've gone through, as I can't begin to imagine what that is like. My heart goes out to anyone reading this who has ever gone through infertility- I wish I could give you the biggest hug.

We DO know the gender of this baby....we've known for a week now and I promise we will share on here very soon! I won't make you wait more than a week, 2 tops. The most important news is that the genetic testing all came back normal, so the baby is healthy and right on track (already measuring big according to the doctor, which comes as no surprise to us). If you're friends of ours in Houston and want to know the gender, your best bet is asking Bear. He can't keep a secret and will gladly tell you. :)

For those of you we've shared the news with already, thank you all very much for your well wishes. We have really felt the love and hope you know how much it means to Zach, Bear, and me. We love you all and want to thank you for sharing in this journey with us!
xo, Britt