swim lessons with sunsational

Bear has always been a "water baby", loving the water pretty much since birth. Zach and I both learned to swim around age four so we knew we wanted Bear to have swim lessons this summer. A friend sweetly offered for Bear to join classes with her son (they're big buddies!) but after realizing it was all the way downtown, we declined. As busy as our summer has been, we needed something more convenient and conducive to our schedule. Not to mention now that you all know our big news, I didn't feel like doing a lot of driving being this sick. That's when we realized Sunsational Swim School was exactly what we needed. The instructors travel to you at your home or community pool to teach one on one lessons at your chosen times. If you're a mom of multiple, you can schedule any/all kids at back to back times. Perfect for busy moms, especially in the big city!

As much as Bear enjoys being in the water, he has never, ever liked to put his face under. Zach and I were both really skeptical, thinking there was no way the instructor could get him to go under water. I was actually a lifeguard for three years (many moons ago) and taught a lot of swim lessons, yet still could not get our little man to willingly get his face wet. His instructor, Candace, somehow worked her magic and got Bear to go happily under the water! Zach and I were both amazed at the fact that he not only did it, but seemed to enjoy submerging. 

Bear had a total of four hours of lessons and in that short time, learned the following: float on his back, tread water, push off steps and go under (not quite swimming, but close), monkey crawl around side of pool, blow bubbles, go under and grab a dive stick, jump off side of pool and submerge, and more that I'm probably forgetting. Had he had a little more lesson time (we sadly ran out of summer), I know he would've been officially swimming with just a few more lessons. We are amazed at how much Candace was able to teach him and how well he did with the lessons. Most of all we loved how easily we fit the lessons into our schedule since our community pool is only a couple blocks from our house! We didn't have to worry about traffic or travel time, and I loved being able to choose which days/hours worked best for us. All in all, Sunsational is a great choice for busy moms and little ones who need the essential life skill of swimming.

My parents are visiting for the weekend and Bear is getting mega-spoiled; he has already gotten countless toys and endless ice cream. Safe to say he's in heaven! Hope you're having a sweet weekend, too!
xo, Britt