mark your calendars...

similar dress (mine sold out from Dillard's) | shoes | bag | earrings  

photos by RaeTay Photography

Happy Monday, friends! That feels like somewhat of an oxymoron but with so many kids going back to school and a new season almost upon us, it does feel like an exciting time of year. I'm also getting extremely excited because September is going to be a BUSY, but amazing month! I will be traveling every single weekend next month and can't wait for all the fun ahead. One of the ventures I'm most excited about is having the opportunity to speak at Pinners again! If you've never heard of the Pinners Conference & Expo, I encourage you to click here and watch the short video at the bottom of the page. I promise it will get your creative (and shopping) juices all kinds of flowing.

I spoke last year at the conference in Phoenix, AZ because the conference in Dallas fell at the same time as New York Fashion Week. This year, they are different weekends so I'm able to teach at Pinners here in Texas and still attend fashion week- win/win! I had the most amazing time in Phoenix and absolutely fell in love with the conference; I've never felt such vibrant energy all in one place. With 100 amazing class options, endless one-of-a-kind shopping, and options in the worlds of DIY, crafts, cooking, self-improvement, photography, party planning, scrapbooking, holiday, beauty and fashion, there's really no other place like it. What is Pinners? Most accurately put, it's where Pinterest comes to life. And seriously ladies, what could be better than that?

If you're anywhere near the Dallas area, I would love to see you on September 30th! I'll be teaching a class at 11am all about finding your signature style. A full description from the website: Come learn how to find and cultivate your best style from a professional stylist. We'll cover the twelve essential wardrobe basics you need in your closet, how to dress for your shape/age, and which trends you should try/avoid. I also have two great promo codes to share with you: use code HONEY for 10% off your ticket HERE or if you're just wanting to shop and not attend classes, use code ShopPinners for 50% off a regular admission ticket HERE. If you're looking for a fun girls weekend, this is pretty much one of the best ways you can hang with your ladies. Nothing beats bonding over planners and wood burning. :)

You guys...let me go ahead and confess that these photos were taken back on June 18th. Yes, I'm officially 2 months behind on blog photos/posts. At this rate, you'll see pictures of the new baby when "it's" about 6 months old. Kidding- I will force myself to get caught up by then because I'll be obnoxious with oversharing photos of Bear and Baby, no doubt. But if you're wondering where my bump is, I do have a tiny little somethin' somethin'. I'm 13 weeks today so it's not much, more of a food baby most days, but I'm sure it'll pop out any day now. I'm so excited to start feeling kicks in the next month or so!
Hope your week is off to a great start!
xo, Britt