baby Q&A

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photos by The McRaes Photography

Thank you all so much for your kind words on our gender announcement yesterday! It's such an amazing feeling when you have happy news and can share it with others who are openly and so sweetly supportive. We are extremely grateful for each of you & wanted to answer a few questions we've gotten via/text email- things I left out of the last post but am happy to answer. These are also questions we've been getting from family/close friends that I feel like are normal inquiries and thought I'd share with y'all, too!

Do you have a name picked out?
We do, but we aren't 100% on it yet. Like we did with Bear, we are waiting until the baby is born to reveal the name as we want to make sure it fits him well and it's a fun surprise! We have to keep at least one secret, ya know ;).

How far apart will your boys be?
Bear turns 5 at the end of November so he will be about 5 years & 3 months when the baby is born. 

Will there be more kids after this?
Woah, pump those breaks. Kidding, kind of. Zach and I have both been really surprised at the amount of times we've already been asked this question, but more often than not it's "Will y'all try for a girl after this?". The thing is, we didn't try for this baby hoping for any specific gender- we were ready to expand our family and wanted to give Bear a sibling. If we do have a third, it will certainly not be to try for a girl (or boy) but because we want to grow our family yet again. At this point, it's impossible for us to say whether that will happen or not as we haven't even had our second yet (it took us 4 years to be ready for that)! Definitely not ruling out a third but also not saying "yes". Right now, we feel incredibly fulfilled with our family of (almost) four.

Are there nursery plans?
Shockingly no! We poured so much time and effort into Bear's nursery, and he never stayed a single night in the room until he was 4 1/2 years old. We've already moved the crib down into our master bedroom as Zach and I now realize that's where the baby will be sleeping for the first few months (at least). Our house has only the master down and all other bedrooms upstairs, which isn't really conducive with breastfeeding a newborn. When Bear was a baby, I nursed him for 15 months and didn't want to be going up and down the stairs during the middle of the night so we chose to co-sleep. It was best/easiest for our family and it worked, so we have a feeling it will be the same this go-round. We will definitely fix up a room for this baby (it's one of my favorite things to do and Z secretly loves it too); we just want to wait and see what life looks like at that point before doing so.

Have you felt any kicks?
Yes!! Best feeling ever. I started feeling them about a week ago, around 14 weeks, and wasn't sure at first but after a few times (and talking with the doctor) I'm positive that's what I'm feeling. I didn't feel them until 18 or 19 weeks with Bear, or I did but didn't realize, so I wasn't expecting to feel that little sensation so soon. Baby Boy is most active after lots of sugar (Sonic milkshakes, especially) and at night, like his night owl mama. 

What will this mean for the blog?
Exciting things, I hope! Other than slowing down on blogging some through the pregnancy which I'm sure will be even more of a hiatus when the baby actually arrives, I don't expect to change much of anything with the blog. Those of you who were around when Bear was younger may remember him making a lot more appearances on the blog; that's only slowed down because he started not wanting to be photographed as much and I don't ever want to make our kids do something they don't want to do for my own enjoyment/business. If he happily jumps in a picture, I'm thrilled! Most of the time that's not the case and I've started scheduling photoshoots while he's in pre-k so the shoots don't take away from our family/play time. When this baby is born, there's a chance you'll see him on here quite a bit until he's big enough to oppose like his big brother :). But I do hope to capture lots of sweet brother moments!

I hope you've all had a fabulous three day weekend! My favorite part about three day weekends are the four day weeks following. This week, I'm headed off to New York Fashion Week and am already counting down the hours! I have a pretty jam packed schedule between shows and meetings, but I always make time for food. If you have any tips of things to see/places to eat in the city, I'd love it if you'd share in the comments!
xo, Britt

p.s. I'm still behind on photos, so these pictures were taken when I was about 6 or 7 weeks pregnant. There's still not much of a bump, except for a food baby post-meal, but definitely a little more than these photos. I promise I'll get caught up one of these days.