it's a...

photos by Diamond Oak Photography


We are absolutely thrilled to be adding another baby boy to the mix, arriving (on or around) February 27th, 2018. Bear was hoping for a brother so he is beyond excited and we can't wait to see him step into his Big Brother role. He is already being the sweetest big brother, randomly kissing my belly throughout the day and telling his little brother secrets (aka whispering at my stomach for a reeeeeally long time). Zach is (perhaps prematurely) dreaming of high school football days for his boys; growing up one of three brothers who are still his best friends to this day, he is so glad Bear is getting to experience that special brotherly bond. And I'm used to being outnumbered (with two brothers/no sisters myself and a house full of boys + Donut), and love being a boy mama, so I can't wait for all the fun ahead!

I'm 15 weeks tomorrow and we found out the gender at 11 weeks, so it's been hard keeping this secret for the past month. We did tell our families after just a few days but wanted more time to enjoy the news to ourselves before announcing on here & social media. Bear isn't the best with secrets so it's slightly shocking that the whole world doesn't already know the news :). We did the genetic testing blood work right when I turned 10 weeks and found out the following week; the best news of all for us was finding out that the baby is completely healthy. I know everyone says "All we want is a healthy baby" but it's really so true.

I am still pretty sick, actually more sick the past two weeks than the entire pregnancy so far, and ended up in the ER about a week and a half ago. While I got to go home later that night and everything ended up fine, it was pretty scary because the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler and they sent us home anyway without any peace of mind. Zach and I were both on edge for over a week until I was finally able to see my OBGYN on Friday (the office was closed during Hurricane Harvey), and I got to see our baby boy who is doing "perfect" according to the doctor. He was moving around on the screen and his heartbeat was nice and strong- Bear loved seeing his little brother too (who he said looks like a hamster).  I'm still unable to keep pretty much any food down and throwing up all throughout the day, but knowing that we have a healthy baby boy makes it all worth it. Zach and I both feel so incredibly blessed to have two healthy little boys.

Thank you all so much for your sweet words & well wishes around this pregnancy- we love you all and can't thank you enough for sharing in this journey with us!
xo, Britt