gingham trends for fall

skirt | top | shoes

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I have been on such a gingham kick lately and have been so happy to see that the trend's not bidding us farewell with the summer- gingham is just as big if not even bigger for fall. Think of it in the form of cropped pants, long sleeve dresses, and blazers. These fun checks are everywhere in all colors but I tend to lean toward black/white since it's easiest to pair with other colors and feels most fall-ish. Red & white checks tend to have more summery vibes, as they often evoke thoughts of picnics & sunshine. I actually bought a gingham skirt almost identical to the one in this post for New York (these photos were taken back in July) and didn't realize until days later that I already have pretty much the same skirt, so you'll be seeing one really close to this soon. I think that pretty well proves my love for the print!

Some of my favorite gingham trends for fall:

I'm keeping this post pretty short & sweet because the struggle is real over here, y'all. Morning (/all day) sickness has actually been better for me the past week but as soon as I was on the plane to New York last Friday, I felt my throat getting really sore and soon after launched into an epic cold for the entire trip. I wasn't able to get my hands on any medicine (wasn't sure what was safe to take at the time) and was getting around 4 hours of sleep per night, so I didn't do myself any favors in the recovery department. I got back home late Tuesday night and am finally trying to kick this thing! I'm 16 weeks at this point and definitely ready to be in the "feel good" stage of pregnancy. This baby is a little kicking machine which makes me so happy and every bit of sickness worth it.

Hope you're all having the best week! I'll be back with one more post tomorrow before the weekend, and NYFW recaps will start next week! Can't wait to fill you in on all of our adventures in the Big Apple.
xo, Britt