34 week bumpdate

top | similar leggings | booties | similar necklace

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I say this every "bumpdate" but this pregnancy really is flying by- I can't believe we're already at the 34 week mark! That means that in just 3 short weeks, I'll be considered full-term and could have the baby at any time. That's a little bit scary and also so exciting! I mentioned in my last post that my sweet mama friends had a shower for us over the weekend at my favorite brunch spot, Levure Bakery. Baby Boy was showered with gifts and lots of love; I'm so thankful for the friendships we've made here in Houston. Bear and I joined a playgroup when he was just 3 months old (so exactly 5 years ago) and have stayed close with the mamas/kids ever since. We've been by each other through sickness, losing parents, hurricanes, and lots of crazy times with our kiddos. I'm not sure how I could've survived the last 5 years without my mama tribe!

How Far Along: 34 weeks

Baby Size: around 18 inches long, 5 pounds

Total Weight Gain: 10 pounds

Maternity Clothes? Oh yes. Living in leggings these days, especially. Still wearing a lot of regular tops, just sizing up one size.

Stretch Marks? Thankfully not yet!

Sleep: Sleeping really well minus getting up to pee 3-4 times a night. No insomnia lately which I'm thankful for because that's always been a struggle for me. I'm usually so worn out by the time my head hits the pillow that falling asleep is no issue- it's getting up that's the problem. :)

Best moment this week: Honestly just spending time with Bear. Knowing that in 6 weeks or so he'll no longer be my only baby is a bittersweet feeling and I'm trying to soak up all the one-on-one time with him that I can. And yes, I'm spoiling him some in the process. 

Miss Anything? Fitting into normal pants and skirts (SO many cute skirts out right now!) and not having back pain. I didn't think my back hurt this much with Bear but I went back and read pregnancy updates from 5 years ago- turns out I was in the same pain (read my 34 week bumpdate with Bear HERE). I'm at the mall in the Brookstone massage chairs at least once a week- Bear and I even got kicked out once about a month ago for sitting in them too long. Oops!

Movement: Yes! Especially kicks to the ribs and hiccups. Baby Boy gets hiccups 2-3 times a day and you can see my entire stomach moving from the outside. I think it freaks Zach out a little bit. 

Food Cravings: I've been loving Chick Fil A chicken sandwiches the past couple weeks which is strange because the first 5 months or so, just the thought of one made me sick (and the 2 times I indulged, I did get sick). Starbucks Frappuccinos are also happening almost daily, either Mocha or Java Chip flavored.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not nearly as often, thank goodness. I did lose my lunch one day last week which was a surprise at 33 weeks pregnant, but for the most part I'm keeping my food down and finally gaining weight!

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: Not really, I was having some Braxton Hicks but haven't had any in over a week. I go to the doctor on Wednesday and can't wait to hear baby boy's heartbeat! I've been dying for an ultrasound- I haven't had one since 18 weeks so I feel like I haven't seen his little face in so long. My next (and last) one is at 36 weeks so I'm anxiously awaiting that!

Belly button in or out? Somewhere in between...very volcano-ish.

Wedding rings on or off? On & loose

Exercise: Trying to take evening walks as often as I can- last night I walked for about 45 minutes and it really helps stretch out my back/helps me sleep. 

Looking forward to: Having this baby! We are all getting so excited and the thought of being a family of four becomes more real every day.

Bear and I had a lazy day today; Bear actually asked to go to the mall (he was on the hunt for a Spongebob Imaginext toy and luckily Barnes & Noble came in clutch). We found the toy, ate Chick Fil A, sat in the Brookstone massage chairs until they kicked us out, and headed back home for a lazy afternoon. We just got word that Bear's school is cancelled tomorrow due to the chance of snow, so it looks like we'll be having another chill day at home which I'm not mad about. It's never too chill around here lately with the puppy- he's a full time job! Just like a child, if he gets quiet, I know he's up to no good. So we're either constantly playing with him or I'm on the hunt for what he's gotten into/is chewing on. And by 6pm, I'm anxiously awaiting Zach's arrival home for a break! I can only imagine how ready I'll be for 6pm after this baby comes. Thankful to have a husband who is so good with kids (and puppies).
Cheers to a new week, friends! If the weather is going to get bad where you are, too, please be safe!
xo, Britt