currently crushing on...

dress | belt | similar bag | necklace

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I started to do a 39 week bumpdate today but decided to give you guys a little break from all things baby! Though of course I'm sure I won't be able to keep from talking about it a little bit. Some things have changed- my induction is no longer scheduled for Monday the 26th. Everything is still up in the air a bit, as it tends to be with a baby's arrival, but I promise y'all will know very soon after he comes! Instagram and Facebook will be your best places to catch the first sneak peek :). 

I'm currently crushing on a LOT of things in the fashion world and I blame it on President Day sales...they got my wallet spinning and even though I didn't make any purchases, I have a feeling that the next month or so while I'm pretty confined to the house I will be doing an absurd amount of online shopping. I think I've told y'all this before but it might surprise some of you that I actually prefer the old fashioned route when it comes to shopping. I'd much rather go in a store and physically touch a fabric, try things on before purchasing, and get the rush of a good sale while getting the immediate satisfaction of walking out with a bag of loot in hand. Even the 2 days of waiting for Amazon Prime tests my patience at times and so much of what I order online disappoints when it comes in- I'd rather just see the item in person in a store. I know, I know- I'm behind on the times and most people think online shopping is a million times better. Is there anyone else out there still stuck in the dark ages with me?

As far as what I'm crushing on, here are a few favorites that I've recently purchased or have my eye on!

1. THESE earrings. Zach got me these Nadri Ear Crawlers from Nordstrom for Valentine's Day and I can't stop wearing them- they're my favorite earrings right now because they're a little edgy and cool while still being classic and feminine. I have them in gold but love the rose gold, too.
2. Bright colors for spring. While I love a good pastel in the springtime, I can't stop gravitating towards all the bright, vibrant hues this season. Yellows and pinks especially will be finding their way into my closet, like THIS adorable yellow one-piece that's under $50. 
3. Monogrammed everything. Maybe it's the southern girl in me, but I love a good monogram. Something about spring makes me want to buy seersucker everything and slap some initials on it. One of my favorite shops, Marley Lilly, is currently having a big sale and my very favorite TOTE (y'all have seen a lot of it) is part of the sale. I also ordered THESE monogrammed sandals today that I can't wait to wear all spring and summer (they're also on sale and would make such a cute gift). 
4. Espadrilles. This should come as no surprise because I've loved espadrilles for as long as I can remember; they're my favorite summer shoe because they're so comfy and cute! I bought THESE a couple years ago and have worn them more than any other shoe in my closet- a little bit of a splurge but it's such a great shoe that will never go out of style. 

Do I need a fifth thing for the list? 4 seems like such a random number to end on. Let's just say this...I'm currently crushing on my boys because they are the sweetest, funniest people I know and I'm so glad I get to call them mine. This morning, Bear and I were running late trying to get him off to school (per usual) and I said, "Let's get going, baby- we don't wanna be late". Bear goes, "Well, if we're late we can just stay home, right?". Nice try, buddy. If only life worked that way! Course then I'd never leave the house.
Happy Hump Day, friends!
xo, Britt