baby on the brain

dress | shoes | necklace | bag

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I'll admit it's true- I'm talking and thinking about nothing but babies and labor at this point and I'm sure it's annoying to all who are around me on a daily basis. I can't really help it, in my defense- I'm 39 weeks pregnant as of tomorrow and could have this baby boy anytime! Which is both extremely exciting and also somewhat terrifying. While it may seem as though I've overshared this pregnancy on the blog and social media, it feels like I haven't talked about so much of what we've been through the last 9 months since it's been a pretty rough pregnancy and I haven't wanted to seem like a Debbie Downer. It's funny how time seems to drag and yet fly by at the same time- some days these 39 weeks have felt like an eternity and other times I can't wrap my head around the fact that's it's almost time for our son to be here. Life has a funny way of doing that.

As far as an update for anyone wondering, my actual due date is next Tuesday the 27th and we plan on scheduling an induction for Monday the 26th should Baby Boy not come on his own before then. I have had a healthy pregnancy overall so the induction date is not due to any medical reasons- my doctor actually gave us the choice to induce tomorrow, the 20th- she said since Baby is measuring big and my body is already pretty far progressed as far as dilation/effacement go, it would be a good idea to go ahead and schedule an induction. But Zach and I thought and prayed a lot about it and we'd like for the baby to come on his own if possible. We chose the 26th for several reasons and I haven't scheduled anything yet, but that's our plan! I'm going to start walking as much as possible the rest of this week (even though there's nonstop rain in the forecast #HoustonLife) in order to try and get labor going. Some of you already know this but I actually "walked myself into labor" with Bear- I walked 9 miles the day before my due date (NOT all at once!) which started the contractions and led to baby Bear's big arrival (read Bear's birth story HERE).

Are we prepared for this baby? Ish. I think we only have 2 packages of wipes which will be gone in about 3 hours but we do have the car seat installed and ready to go, so that's something. We have sweet friends lined up to take Bear should go-time come before our parents arrive, all the baby clothes are washed and organized, and the crib is ready (IF he actually sleeps in it unlike his big brother). I don't have a diaper bag but won't need one for a month or so anyway really, and trying to keep our house clean and "ready for baby" is a never-ending saga that will ultimately drive Zach to a head full of grey hair by the time Baby arrives. But are we ready to hold our little bundle? Oh, more than words could ever describe. We are all 3 thrilled beyond measure and so excited to meet this new addition whom we've prayed about for what feels like years. The closer we get to his arrival, the more I give up on having a perfectly clean oven or lining up our schedule for the entire month of March- what matters most is that our Baby Boy arrives safely and that we snuggle and love on him as much as possible once he's here. And we can't wait to do just that.
xo, Britt