boone: eight months

How am I already writing this post? And almost a month late because our sweet Boone Thomas turns 9 months old in 10 days. I took these pictures last week at the height of Boone’s bad cold, and you can see it on his little face that he wasn’t feeling well. But he was a trooper and is pretty much back to 100% now, thanks to lots of snuggles and antibiotics. It’s currently 31 degrees in Houston so we are trying to stay as warm and cozy as possible- bring on all the Hallmark movies, pumpkin scented candles, and jammies! My favorite time of year is here.

Boone’s hair looks VERY red in these photos, which is a mix of the editing filter I use and the lighting. His hair is actually very blonde and Bear’s always had this same reddish tint in photos, too. It will be interesting to see if Boone’s hair goes dark like Bear’s or stays light- Zach was also blonde as a baby so I think they’ll both take after him. Zach & Bear’s hair is basically the exact same color now so I think Boonester will be with them at about age 3 (when Bear’s went darker). We aren’t concerned with hair color, but are just so thankful to have two healthy and happy little boys. And happy Boone is! He’s constantly smiling and laughing (mostly at Bear), even when he’s sick. I feel so incredibly lucky to be his Mommy and it makes my day every single day seeing the way Bear and Boone interact together. I knew it would be sweet but I had no idea just how much I’d melt over it.

Things to remember:
-Boone weighed in at 21 pounds at his doctor’s appointment last week, making him right at the 80th percentile for weight (they didn’t measure height).
-Laughing at Bear is Boone’s favorite pastime; he thinks his brother is the funniest person on the planet. Bear can do anything from burp to tie his shoe and Boone is uncontrollably laughing. Cutest thing ever.
-Boone had his worst sickness yet the past week and a half, with an awful cold that kept us both up a lot at night. Thankfully he’s pretty much completely well and stayed a happy baby through it all. I don’t like seeing my boys sick; I think that’s one of the hardest parts about being a parent. Thankful for modern day medicine and Zach, who is the baby whisperer.
-Biggest news of all: our little man now has TWO teeth! He popped his first tooth through on his 8 month “birthday” and the second tooth came through the very next day. Teething was rough for a couple of days, but then he was back to normal. That’s been almost 3 weeks and no other teeth yet.
-Boone is still nursing every 3ish hours and eating solids a couple times a day. He is kind of over baby food, and I can’t say I blame him, but he will still take it. Table foods like avocado, rice, and mac n cheese are what he prefers. He’s ready for Thanksgiving feasts!
-Another big milestone: Boone figured out his knees a few weeks ago, also right around his 8 month birthday, and is officially crawling all over the place. He’s been crawling for about 2 months but would do more of an army crawl/scoot, until several weeks ago when he got up on his knees. He’s keeping us very busy these days.
-He’s in size 12-18 month clothes but lives in jammies most days, because YOLO.
-He still loves his walker and motors all over the house in it. We put a big fence around the Christmas tree so he wouldn’t bulldoze into it and so far, so good.
-Boonester still isn’t sleeping through the night (or even close); he’s up usually 3 times to nurse and goes right back to sleep. I know I need to sleep train but….I secretly don’t mind all the snuggles.

We are so excited to spend the holiday season with family and enjoy Boone’s first Thanksgiving and Christmas; it’s going to be such a special time and I want to soak up every minute of it. Bear is SO excited for both his birthday this weekend and Christmas, and I can’t help but feel all of his excitement and more. Being a mama to these two boys is the best gift I’ve ever been given.
xo, Britt