my navy sweater | jeggings | similar booties | vest | button-up
Bear’s outfit (3 piece set on sale for $22!)

This little boy hasn’t been on the blog (without his brother) in awhile and I wanted to show his sweet almost SIX year old face! Bear’s birthday is two days away, on Sunday, and to say he’s excited would be an understatement. He has been talking it up for weeks, months actually, and is so excited for a fun-filled weekend! We kicked it off by taking him lunch at school this afternoon, which made my mama heart completely melt. He ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug while wearing a giant paper crown his teacher gave him. Pretty sure he’ll be wearing it all day and I can’t stop laughing about it- oh to be six again. Tomorrow is his birthday party at Main Event with friends before we head to visit family and have a “cousin birthday party”. Safe to say Bear is going to have lots of celebration!

I look back on this year and I can’t believe how quickly it’s flown. Boone was born on February 24th and with that brought a lot of changes into Bear’s life. While he was thrilled about getting a baby brother, there were times I could sense him trying to get our attention or acting out a little between the newness of a sibling, moving into a new home, and starting kindergarten. But the past 3 months or so, he has completely adjusted to life as we know it now and I couldn’t be more proud. He’s the best, sweetest big brother and Boone adores him. He’s doing so well in kindergarten, ahead of the curve and right on the brink of reading. He loves playing outside and riding his scooter around the neighborhood with the other kids around us, and is always happiest in a group. He loves when we have company and we call him our “Social Bear”.

I’m well aware of how biased I am as a mother, but I’m also well aware of the fact that it’s my job to be my sons’ #1 supporter. I always want both Bear and Boone to know how loved and special they are. I remind Bear all the time that while I love Boone and him the same, he will always be the one who made me a Mommy. Six years ago, God gave Zach and I the best gift we’ve ever been given.
Happy Birthday to our Bear Clayton!
xo, Britt