friday five: newborn edition


photos by Ban Avenue Photography

We've only been home from the hospital (not even quite) 4 days and yet Boone will be 1 week old tomorrow. I know it sounds silly to say "it goes too fast" at this point in time but because I blinked and my oldest baby is already 5 years old, I can truthfully say that it does. And because I realize now just how quickly time passes for a growing child, I cherish all the precious newborn goodness even more. I had forgotten how newborn babies smell- that sweet, indescribable smell that I wish could be bottled up and saved forever. I snuggle Boone and smell his little head and I just want to melt; he's so tiny and innocent and I want nothing more than to give him an upbringing he can look back on many years from now and be proud of. All I can do for now is to hold him, rock him, change him, and feed him....and we're doing all of that on repeat.

While it's been a fast and furious week and we are by no means experts in the baby department, there are a few products we've already been using a lot that I wanted to share with you other expecting or new mamas! I'll try to do this pretty regularly with products that we're loving/using most at each stage of the baby game. While I'm already partial to some things that we loved with Bear, there are a ton of new products that have come around over the past 5 years and we're excited to try them! This list could easily have way more than 5 items because babies need a LOT of stuff as y'all know, but here are some of our most used items for Boone so far:

1. Tiny Ideas Baby's Print Handprint/Footprint Keepsake Frame- We got this exact frame as a baby gift before Bear was born and it's been such a sweet keepsake. We still have it hanging in his room with a picture of him from the hospital right after he was born and his tiny hand/footprints. I'm not really into cheesy mementos but this is one that I love and wanted to find the same exact frame for Boone so eventually I can display them side by side. The frame is $25 at Walmart and on Amazon but I found it for $9.99 HERE
2. WubbaNub Pacifiers- We loved these when Bear was a newborn so I knew we'd need more for baby Boone! Sure enough, they're pretty much the only paci he can keep in his mouth at this point. The animal attached to the paci rests on his chest and he puts his little hands up to hold it in place- it's really sweet (and functional).
3. Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets- Chances are if you've done any other "baby buying" research, you've already seen these swaddles that have 5 star reviews on pretty much every website. Their reputation is so good for a reason; these really are the best swaddles ever! They're really large and can be folded down for swaddling, though we use them as regular blankets too in the carseat, swing, etc. They're really lightweight and great spring and summer blankets if your baby will be outside and need some form of blanket that's not too hot.
4. Baby Lounger- Before Bear was born, many friends recommended getting a Nap Nanny and we were gifted two of them that we absolutely loved. Sadly they were recalled (due to consumer misuse) so you can no longer get that exact brand, but Hiccapop now makes pretty much the exact same thing called the Day Dreamer that has excellent reviews. We use our Nap Nanny all the time- Boone sleeps in it between us in the bed at night (Bear did the same until about 4 months), he naps in it during the day, and I will set him in it if I'm doing a task but want him close by like giving Bear a bath. 
5. Chicco Fit2 Infant Car Seat & Bravo For 2 Double Stroller- I know it may seem a bit early to say that we love a car seat and stroller, but we had the same model for Bear in both (just a single stroller, not double) and couldn't have been more pleased. I knew we wanted to go with Chicco again because we loved both the carseat and stroller so much with Bear. I was worried about getting a double stroller because sometimes they look like boats- crazy long and wide and not easy to maneuver or function. I was surprised to find that the Chicco Bravo For 2 is super easy to use- it folds up with the touch of a button and doesn't feel any bigger than a regular stroller. Despite how light it is, Bear has plenty of room to either sit or stand on the back, his choice, and I have lots of room for my purse, snacks, shopping bags, etc. underneath. So far, we are loving the travel system and highly recommend it!

I hope this helps any of you expecting a little one of your own soon! And if you have anything to add to the list, I would love to hear! Always looking for new products to try for my boys. :)
Happy weekend!
xo, Britt