
Boone Thomas Fullwood
Born February 24, 2018 at 7:43pm
7 pounds, 11 ounces & 19 1/2 inches

Our hearts doubled in size Saturday evening when baby Boone entered the world. We have been in heaven ever since, soaking up all the newborn snuggles and watching Bear become the sweetest big brother. Labor was much more eventful this go round- I'll share the birth story soon (not sure how ready I am to relive it just yet!). What matters is that we came out of it with a healthy little boy and couldn't feel more thankful and happy than we do at this moment.

We've had the name Boone in our heads for years now, since soon after Bear was born. Zach is actually kin to Daniel Boone on his Mom's side so we love that it's a family name and has a story. Boone also means "a blessing", which this little boy certainly is. Thomas is Zach's middle name as well as Zach's grandfather's name, so it has special meaning to us, too. We were never set on naming our kids all "B" names, it just kind of happened this way. We laugh that Zach is the odd man out, but then again our house is divided somewhat equally: Daddy, Dasher (our puppy), and Donut (our hamster)...Brittany, Bear, and Boone.

Keeping this short and sweet tonight because I need to go feed a certain hungry little boy- he likes to eat as much as big brother did. Which is fine with his Mommy because it means more cuddle time.
Thank you to our friends and family all for the calls, messages, and texts after Boone's arrival- you've made this time for us all the more special and we love you all.
xo, Britt