Boone's newborn photos

When Boone was 2 weeks old, my sweet friend & photographer Katie Hill came to our house to take newborn photos and she did an amazing job of capturing our newest addition. Get ready for picture overload- I couldn't help myself!

photos by Katie Hill Photography
Boone's personalized beanie/swaddle: Hanley Crest
Big Dude & New Little Dude shirts: Cuddle Sleep Dream 
Stitched "Boone" hat: Little Ones Love

Baby Boone turned 1 month old yesterday and I can't believe 4 weeks have already come and gone. I know a month isn't much in the grand scheme of things but we blinked and Bear was 5 years old, so I've seen firsthand just how quickly the time goes by. I know I won't be able to rock or cuddle or hold my boys forever, but it's my biggest hope that they always know how much Mommy loves them. "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as you're living, my baby you'll be". Happy 1 month to our sweet Boone Thomas. Our world is forever changed for the better now that you're in it.
xo, Britt