surviving the newborn stage

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photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Life with a newborn baby is a lot of things: wonderful, fleeting, exhausting, amazing, stressful, fun, and so on. You get my drift- there are many emotions that come along with the onslaught of hormones post-baby! You're soaking up each and every sweet moment and milestone in between yawns and unsuccessful trips to the bathroom. You're changing your baby's diapers and your own diapers. You're reheating your coffee for the 5th time at 9am; you know you shouldn't be drinking coffee because you're breastfeeding (and all 42 What to Expect books you wasted time reading advised against it) but you'd strangle the person who tried to take that mug of gold away from you. You're not just on the struggle bus- you're the one driving the struggle bus and you've just gotten your 4th ticket because this sh*t ain't easy. It can be difficult to navigate the waters of parenthood anytime, but especially when you're adjusting to life with a new tiny human. But just know, you're not in this alone.

I too have been there- am currently there with my two month old son. Some days I feel like I've got it all together: only dropping Bear off 5 minutes late at carpool line (in sweats rather than the usual pajamas), having lunch out with friends (nursing Boone under a ginormous tent at the table just so I can keep eating my pizza while he eats), and catching up on all 8 loads of laundry I've let pile up for the past 3 weeks (it's amazing that the addition of one little person quadruples the laundry in a household). On these days, I feel real proud of myself and like I could win 5th runner up in some Mom of the Year contest. A small one, with very few contestants, but still. I might only get a participation trophy but I'd take it. And then I'd beat the winner over the head with it. Just kidding. If there's anyone who's mastered motherhood, she deserves all the trophies and bouquets of roses in the world. I certainly have not. But you know what? I'm okay with that. I love my boys more than anything, and they know that. That's what matters. 

I'm happy. Despite all the dirty clothes piled up in our master bathroom floor, despite being perpetually 20 minutes late everywhere I go, despite walking around Target with milk stains on my chest. I'm the mom of a newborn and it's tough. I cut myself some slack because I know that I'll blink and Boone will be getting ready to start kindergarten like Bear is now. I let myself drink coffee even though I'm breastfeeding (by the third child I might be chugging wine, too) and don't feel one bit of guilt about it. Some evenings when I'm about to lose my sh*t completely, I pass the boys to Zach and run to Target (in said milk-stained shirt) just to walk the aisles of heaven in peace. And I don't feel one bit of guilt about it. We've been living off of Chick Fil A and Burger King for the past two months because Zach and I are both too tired to cook and just want to enjoy the boys in the evenings. And we don't feel one bit of guilt about it. 

Surviving the newborn stage isn't easy. There are sleepless nights, spit-up stained clothes, and all kinds of new unattractive baby items taking up every inch of your home. It's a lot. But you know what? It's worth it. Every dirty diaper, every hideous giraffe bouncer, every last nap you wish you could take. It's all worth it just to hold that precious, snuggly gift sent straight from heaven (actual heaven, not the aisles of Target). Cut yourself some slack, mama. Go get that pedicure you've wanted to get for the past 3 months. Go get a Starbucks Frappuccino and drink it in your car in perfect, blissful silence. Do something for yourself because a happy mommy makes a happy baby. I really believe children feed off our energy and we should take care of ourselves in order to better take care of them. You love your baby. Don't forget to love yourself. 
And know that you are doing an amazing job. I'm sending you a virtual high five from one sweatsuit wearing mama to the next. You got this. And you know what? It does get easier. And what's even more exciting is that it only gets better, too. Just wait until that sweet baby says "mama" for the very first time. You might, might, never wanna make another solo Target run again.
xo, Britt