my favorite trend for summer

gingham set | bag | sunglasses | wedges

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

There are a lot of trends I'm currently loving: retro-inspired eye wear, ginormous earrings, comfy espadrille wedges, hair scarves, and many more. But my favorite of all at the moment has to be two-piece sets. I can't stop buying them and for a price like this one above($13 for the SET!), you can't go wrong. It gives the look of a romper but is much easier to go to the bathroom while wearing. If you're a female, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I also like the easiness of a two-piece set because there's nothing to think about- you don't have to worry about whether or not your outfit matches, goes together, clashes, etc. It makes getting dressed in the morning much more simple, which is always a win in this mama's book.

Funny random story: When my parents were here over the weekend, Bear and my Mom were standing looking at Boone in the swing at one point. Bear told Boone, "That's your grandma, Boone. Do you know what grandparents are? Grandparents are old people that like you". My Mom and I got such a kick out of it- I apologized to her for Bear calling her an "old person" but she thought it was hilarious and accurate. Bear is at that brutally honest age (not that my parents are old, but in his eyes anyone over 15 is an "old person") and I'm constantly being humbled by the things my child says. Kids really don't have a filter at age 5, I've learned, and I need to start writing down everything the boys say so we won't forget them! I'm sure Boone will be the same way, following in big brother's funny footsteps.

Off to play with the boys before supper; the days seriously fly by lately. I blink and it's time for bed...we need more hours in the day. But then again I'm always ready for bedtime with two little boys on my hands! I couldn't love them any more.
xo, Britt