love on mother's day


photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Last Tuesday, I sat outside of Starbucks sipping an iced coffee with my girlfriend, Angela, talking about life and the juggle of work/motherhood. I casually asked her what her Mother's Day plans were and told her that restaurant reservations were filling up quickly if she needed to drop a hint to her husband. We laughed a little about the expectations of the holiday and moved on to another topic while her daughter, Sofi, sat sweetly in her stroller and Boone snoozed the morning away in his. It wasn't until later that evening that it hit me- Angela lost her Mom several years ago and while my friend celebrates being Mommy to her precious babies on Mother's Day, she also mourns the loss of her own mother. There I was, babbling about where we'd be having lunch and what my favorite flowers are when in her mind, she was thinking about the Mom she wouldn't be able to call and wish a happy Mother's Day. And it opened my eyes.

I have friends who have lost their moms. I have friends with moms who are incarcerated. I've lost friends who's moms will never get another Mother's Day card. I have friends who are desperately trying to be a mom, and friends who have never even met their mom. And while this day is a happy one for most, it's not quite as bright for others. So while I celebrate today with my two sweet, healthy sons, I also want to remember those who might be having a difficult time today. I can't begin to imagine what you're going through but I wish I could give you the biggest hug.

I can't write a Mother's Day post without saying how thankful I am for the gift of Bear and Boone. Being their Mommy is the greatest role I've ever been given and I have tears running down my cheeks just typing this because I can't even believe they're mine.
And to my own Mom: I love you so much, Duke. You are everything I wish I could be to my boys and I could never put into words just how much you mean to me. Your patience, support, and unconditional love over the past 30 years have been a foundation for which I have grown and become a mother myself, one who has had the very best example. 
To my mother-in-love, Lisa: I love you and am so very grateful for the mother you've been to Zach, raising him to be the most incredible Daddy to our boys and husband to me. You pour your heart into everything you do and are a light everywhere you go; I look up to you so much as a mother and Grammy.
Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there. You deserve to be celebrated today and every day.

To Angela, Callie, Lizzy, Melanie, Savannah, Sarah and each of you out there who are missing your mom today, or whatever your story may be- know that you are loved beyond measure. I admire your strength and am so very proud of the person that you are. And your mom is, too.

xo, Britt