summer bucket list

dress | shoes | sunnies | bag | earrings

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I cannot believe I'm sitting here writing a Summer Bucket List post- it feels like just last week I was writing one for spring! The seasons are flying by it seems; I can't wrap my head around the fact that it's almost summertime when it seems we were just celebrating Christmas. It's true that time flies when you're having fun, and also when you have a new baby! It really hit me for the first time this morning that summer is upon us; I was sitting outside Crave Cupcake having coffee with friends when the heat kept rising and we were dripping sweat by noon. It is 95 degrees in Houston today and while I'm not a fan of the heat or humidity, I do love summertime and all the fun it brings. We love spending time at the pool, especially, and Zach and Bear have season passes to Wet 'n Wild Splashtown again this summer that they can't wait to use.

We have some fun plans for the summer: a few Texas road trips, lots of pool days, and some more exciting news I can't wait to share soon. But for now, this is what we want to do the next few months (Bear approved):

1. build a sand castle at the beach
2. have a water balloon fight
3. eat watermelon
4. visit the aquarium
5. have a zoo day
6. ride something new at Splashtown
7. go to weekly library story time
8. camp out in the backyard
9. have a science day
10. try new snowcone flavors
11. go to the splash pad with friends
12. make homemade popsicles
13. cook on a camp fire
14. find the ice cream truck
15. learn to swim *Bear
16. visit grandparents
17. fly a kite
18. watch fireworks
19. go to an Astro's game
20. visit the aquarium

What are some of your summer plans? I'd love to hear!
xo, Britt