nursing-friendly dresses

dress | sunglasses | bag | wedges | earrings

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

One of the questions I get asked most about on Instagram is about nursing-friendly clothing from other mamas and mamas-to-be. You wouldn't think this would be a challenging thing to find but believe it or not, it is! A lot of current styles have high necks, zip-up backs, etc. that make it difficult to breastfeed while wearing. Until you've nursed a baby out in public in something not conclusive to breastfeeding, it's hard to imagine how real the struggle can be. But believe me, it is- which is why I've rounded up some of the cutest nursing-friendly dresses for you mamas in the widget below! 
Just scroll and click on your favorites to shop. Some of these I own and love, others have great reviews and are currently in my cart.

We've had a busy but productive weekend and if you follow me on Instagram you may have seen some house-hunting we did on Saturday...more on that soon! So excited to share with you guys what our plans are in the upcoming weeks. This week will be another crazy busy one and somehow Boone turns 3 months old on Thursday- how can it be?! Cue all the waterworks for this mama. The past 3 months have flown by but been the sweetest and best of my life. Bear & Boone are so much fun and I'm so thankful to be their mama! In case you're reading this post and missed the post on breastfeeding tips, you can find it here. I'm far from an expert and only know what's worked for us, but maybe it will help a few of you who are wanting to breastfeed your baby.
Hope you've all had a great weekend!
xo, Britt