transitioning to two

my set | Boone's outfit my bag | my shoes

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Time is seriously flying, you guys! These pictures were taken a little over a month ago when Boone was just shy of 2 months old and I can't believe how much he's changed just in the past month. He has filled out a lot since then and is smiling all the time now which always makes my day! I love this stage right around 3-6 months...they're so sweet and squishy, not mobile yet so you aren't constantly chasing, and still nap quite a bit during the day. Boone is a super laid-back baby which has made the transition to 2 kids easier than I expected and we're very thankful. I'll be doing Boone's 3 month update soon (he turns 3 months tomorrow) and will share more details on his milestones then.

During my pregnancy, I honestly worried quite a bit about the transition from 1 to 2 kids. I'd heard nightmare stories from friends, feared how the change would impact Bear, and just knew a new human would rock our world a bit. Maybe I "over-prepared" myself and that's why it hasn't been what I expected, but we've been really lucky to find this transition pretty easy for the most part. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that Bear was 5 years old when Boone was born, so he's already very independent, potty trained, etc. I can only imagine that having a toddler and a new baby would be much more difficult. 

It hasn't been without it's struggles for us, though- don't let me fool you into thinking it's all been perfect rainbows and unicorns around here. Bear has definitely been testing us some lately which I know is normal but I'm doing my best to be patient with him while still enforcing our rules. Boone doesn't sleep through the night- he's up 3-4 times for feedings but always goes right back to sleep. Bear was sleeping through the night by around 2 months so I'm running on fumes most days but fueled by lots of coffee :). I knew I'd need to get out and about faster after Boone was born but I wasn't sure how easy that would actually be and so far, so good. I usually meet friends for lunch or have meetings while Bear is in school and I only have Boone because I'm still getting used to being at a restaurant or public place by myself with 2 kids. I can manage but it's less stressful if it's just Boone since he's usually napping through it all, anyway.

We are still learning and figuring out what works for us but if any of you are wanting to take the plunge from 1 to 2 kids, don't be afraid! I've been amazed with how much easier breastfeeding has been this time around since I already knew what to expect, and your confidence across the board will be significantly higher since you've done all this before. And if your first is a little older like Bear, they can be a good helper, too (most of the time). We are loving having 2 happy, healthy little boys and can't wait for all the adventures to come!
xo, Britt