boone: one month

wooden milestone cards | monthly blanket | onesie

I'm only two weeks late in writing this post because Boone is 6 weeks old today and you can cue the waterworks over here. I can't believe we're already halfway through the newborn stage; it feels like I just gave birth to him yesterday (literally, it feels like it)! I wanted to do some sort of monthly updates, similar to the bumpdates I did, but couldn't find a template so I'll just write out what the first month of Boone's life looked like! It was a sweet one, for sure.

I have no idea Boone's height and weight because he hasn't been to the pediatrician since 2 weeks and goes back on the 24th of this month when he's 2 months old. We will see then how much he has grown! I know it's quite a bit because he's filling out his 3 month clothing and none of his newborn clothes fit anymore. This doesn't come as much of a surprise because the baby nurses ALL.THE.TIME. All he wants to do is eat! Bear was the same way and grew quickly in the beginning, as well. Boone sleeps *pretty* well at night, going down around 9:30pm and waking up around midnight to eat, then going right back to sleep. He does the same 2-3 hour stretch the rest of the night but usually goes right back to sleep after eating. It's pretty exhausting, honestly, but I keep in mind that this is a fleeting time and believe it or not I will miss these snuggly days. I'm thankful breastfeeding is going well and that we haven't had any complications- I'm more confident in it this time around and Boone is definitely confident in his eating abilties.

Naps are very hit or miss- I'm not the best (at all) with routine or sleep schedules so we just kind of play it by ear on a day to day basis. Like most newborns, one day he'll seem to sleep all day long and the next day, he'll be up the majority of the day. It's hard to plan because you never know what you're gonna get! I realize I could sleep train and get him on a more consistent schedule, but what we're doing is working for us right now so we're gonna stick to it. Boone hasn't started smiling really yet with the exception of sweet smiles in his sleep, but we're hoping he starts soon. He also shockingly (for us) doesn't really take a pacifier at all. Bear took one like a champ from day one so I never understood when people said their babies didn't like a pacifier- now I get it. We try and try but he just spits the thing out every time- he does not like it! We've tried every brand they make and none are a winner. Zach can sometimes get him to take one but only when he's really fussy and it doesn't last but a few minutes before he spits it out again. This is a new struggle for us but maybe it's not a bad thing- one less habit we have to break later. The only difficulty is that because Boone is exclusively breastfed, it makes it hard for anyone besides me to pacify him. Eventually I will pump a little to have bottles in case of an emergency, but I haven't wanted to start that just yet because we haven't needed to. I also liked having some breastmilk stored for Bear when he started solids for mixing in with rice cereal and oatmeal.

I feel like all I've talked about is Boone's eating but really, at this stage, there's not much else going on besides the obvious sleeping and dirty diapers. I love this stage even more this time around though because I knew more what to expect and I know just how quickly it flies by. I love the newborn baby smell, and the tiny hands, and the way they snuggle up and sleep on your chest. It's all so precious and I just want to keep soaking up every minute of it. It also helps that Zach has 8 weeks paternity leave, so he's been a big help and we've loved having him home so much. Bear is crazy about Boone as well and it makes my heart want to explode seeing him as such a loving big brother. I can't wait to see how their bond just grows more and more strong with each passing day.
xo, Britt