how to get out with a baby

my dress | wedges | earrings | diaper bag | stroller | car seat
Boone's outfit | shoes

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Here I am once again just now getting around to posting photos that were taken two months ago...I can't believe how much Boone has grown since then! One question that I'm asked fairly often is how I manage to get out so much with Boone (and Bear)- we are always on the go and I guess because I share so many of our outings on Instagram, it looks as though we're always out and about. And truthfully, we are. I'm typing this from a table at Starbucks with Boone in my lap, flirting with the girl next to us. While it would be easier to work from the comfort of our home with 8 million baby contraptions (swings, bouncers, mats) at our fingertips, I find myself much happier when I get out of the house at least once a day. I tend to get cabin fever if not, and the boys seem to enjoy getting out more, too. I also think that taking kids out from a young age gets them used to being in public and they learn how they should act outside of the home. Lots of reasons I'm in favor of getting babies & kids out, and I'll share some of the ways we make it happen below.

1. Be organized. I can't tell you the amount of times I've gone to a playdate without diapers and inevitably, been in a blow-out situation. Luckily I've always been with other moms or able to get to a diaper quickly in these situations, but it wasn't fun! I learned my lesson and now keep a basket in the car full of extra diapers and wipes for any time these emergency situations happen. I also believe in investing in a great diaper bag, like this one by Hammitt that folds out into a changing mat!
2. Hang with other mamas. It's not that your friends without babies don't get it, but other mamas just get it a little bit more. In those first few months of the newborn stage, it can be really overwhelming. You're exhausted and sleep-deprived, you have milk stains on your blouse, and the circles under your eyes rival that of a raccoon. Your mama friends won't judge you, because they've been there too. In fact, they will likely help you and share similar stories that will make you feel better about your own sh*t show at home. Plan a casual lunch or coffee date that won't take long if you're nursing and hopefully your baby can nap through while you enjoy much needed adult time.
3. If you're nursing, get a nursing cover. This may seem like a silly point but honestly, this is the #1 reason I've been able to enjoy getting out with Boone. I didn't use my cover ever with Bear, and it made going out in public difficult that first year because I would go to my car every time he needed to eat to sit and nurse. This time around, I've carried my nursing cover in my diaper bag and anytime Boone's hungry, I just feed him while I'm doing whatever I'm doing with my cover. I've even walked around Kroger nursing- holding Boone with one arm and throwing groceries in the basket with the other hand. If you're not modest and don't care to cover, more power to you! It's just a preference but either way, you should be able to enjoy your time out while feeding baby.
4. Make the most of appointments. You will start pediatrician appointments early- Boone and Bear both had their first one at just 4 days old! Take advantage of these outings and treat yourself to brunch while you're already having to get out, anyway. Rather than dreading those gyno check-ups that follow giving birth, embrace them as an opportunity to enjoy an outing with your new bundle. Schedule lunch with a friend post-appointment- you deserve it!
5. Cut yourself some slack. It won't be easy at times, and some days you'll feel like a failure because your baby will cry, you'll spill all the formula, and you'll be 30 minutes late to boot. But you know what? It's okay. There's a reason for the saying "Mama tried", because we're all just doing our best and that's all we can do. Some days will be better than others but no matter what, you are doing an amazing job.

A lot of days, like today, I look like a total hobo. Unwashed hair in a braid, stretchy pants that shouldn't be allowed in public, and certainly no makeup. But honestly, I feel much better on the days when I take 10 minutes to throw curls in my hair and put on a little make-up. It's the little things! I seem to be more productive on those days, as well. So even if you feel like you don't have time to breathe let alone shower, do your best to make the time and chances are, you'll feel much more human.
And remember that we are all in this together! Sending all you new mamas a big hug- you got this!
xo, Britt