boone: four months

Here I am, writing another monthly Boone update and in disbelief yet again that our baby boy has gotten a month older. I'm trying to soak up every moment of this stage that I can, even though life is busier than it's ever been for our family. We are currently in Sweetwater visiting family (Bear, Boone, and me), and have 3 other trips coming up in July. And did I mention we're moving next month as well? Madness! But all good, fun, exciting things and we feel very blessed. Most of all I feel blessed to call Bear and Boone my sons- they are my greatest joy and I am cherishing these summer days with them both at home before Bear starts kindergarten in August. He is such a good big brother, although a little rough at times (we're working on it), and is just as crazy about Boone as the rest of us.

Things to remember:
-Boone started rolling over about 3 weeks ago, a little past 3 months, and hasn't stopped since. We call him our little Flipper because he never stops rolling. He can do several rolls in a roll, and rolls from back to stomach and stomach to back.
-Boone is barely hanging onto size 3 diapers but in a week or two will move up to size 4. I don't know his exact height and weight at the moment but I know he's a big boy!
-Sleeping hasn't been the best as of late and we're still struggling to find a routine with our crazy schedule this summer. Boone doesn't take any substantial naps during the day and rather just cat naps every few hours for 30-45 minutes. He's still waking up all through the night to eat as well, which I'm hoping will get better in a few months when he starts solids.
-We officially have a non-paci baby which I never thought would happen as much as Bear loved pacifiers. Boone wants nothing to do with a paci and spits it out every time we offer it- I figure it he doesn't want it by now there's no point in getting him hooked later.
-Boone is such a laid-back, easy going baby and is in chill-mode the majority of the time. The only time he really gets fussy is during car rides if he wants out, but even in the car he's pretty happy most of the time.
-He's still loving his swing and rocker from Charlie Crane Paris- those are his two favorite items to hang out in at the house. I put him in the rocker while I'm working in the office and he'll just sit and watch me for an hour or so- he just sits there smiling and sucking on his fists.
-I'm not sure if I mentioned on the blog or not but Boone had a herniated umbilical cord that lasted until about 2 months before completely going away. It was pretty funky looking- his belly button stuck out abnormally far although he wasn't in any pain because of it. If it hadn't gone away on his own, we were looking at surgery when he turned 18 months so we are very thankful it fixed itself and we have a healthy baby boy.
-Boone's longest sleep stretch has been 7 hours, twice now, and I'm hoping this gets more regular and even longer soon!

I took the boys to the library in Sweetwater for story time this morning and it brought back so many wonderful memories from my childhood- the library here hasn't really changed at all and I love everything about it from the smell of old books to the sweet ladies working there. We're loving visiting family and hitting up all my favorite spots from childhood like the sno-cone stand (best on earth, seriously), Country Club pool (another place I lived at every summer), and of course the restaurants that I crave so often in Houston. Living our best life out here in west Texas!
xo, Britt